Academic Record && attendance??

<p>ummm I was just curious; do Colleges find out how much you have been absent, or late in school?. Like I've been hearing all the time that attendance && lateness always counts in college applications [not that my attendace is bad or anything but] ; how do they find that out if its not on your transcript. Do you send a record with it or something?</p>

<p>I'm looking for some helpful advice ONLY!; not a heated altercation!</p>

<p>That's the most odd thing I've heard all day...</p>

<p>My school certainly doesn't send any record of that, and I'd wager to guess that no other school would.</p>

<p>Now, mind you, the only way to know for sure would be to ask your guidance office if it's on your transcript (that's the only way I can think of a college finding out...), or if they report it specifically... every school is different.</p>

<p>I've never heard of a college specifically asking for something like that.</p>

<p>I've heard it several times...I don't know if teachers are just doing it 2 intimidate students or to get them to come to class more often but thats what I hear && its bellievable...i actually think they do</p>