Accept admission now or wait until all relevant info in hand?

<p>This might be a stupid question but is there any reason to accept an offer of admission when my daughter hasn't made a final decision yet and we haven't received all the information with which to make a decision?</p>

<p>I know the deadlines to accept are a few months away but we've been told (and read a few places in these forums) that accepting causes the school to move the applicant to a new pile for review for other opportunities (honors program, aid, scholarships, etc.) perhaps a bit sooner than she otherwise would have been. We're trying to figure out if she should accept the offer(s) or wait until she's actually made a decision. Information we're waiting on includes: admission decision from Northwestern, merit/need based grant and scholarship info and whether she'll be offered admission to the honors program at either MN or Purdue. It seems intuitive to me to wait until all information needed to make a final decision is in hand but if accepting now would cause us to receive relevant info sooner maybe she should accept now and not wait.</p>

<p>To the extent that it's relevant, here's her situation: offered admission into IT (biomedical engineering) at MN-TC and engineering at Purdue (also biomedical). She has also applied to Northwestern engineering as a regular decision applicant with a decision from NW due to arrive apparently the last week of March or first week of April. She really enjoyed her visit to Northwestern but really likes Minnesota as well. She applied to Purdue based on a visit with the Purdue representative that held a gathering in the Twin Cities, ranking/reputation and what we read online. We're planning on making a trip to Purdue for their engineering get-together around spring break. She has a GPA of 3.98 unweighted, class rank of 11ish I think currently out of just under 400 students (top 3%) 31 cumulative ACT and a lot of good extra curriculars and has taken every AP/Honors class offered at her high school (I think 10 total).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts.</p>

<p>We are waiting until we get our financial packages in. I want to see which school we can afford better than the other ones. We already have a $10,000 scholarship at Purdue and a $9,000 at the University of Maine, We are still waiting for Cornell...</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. It makes sense to wait until all the info comes in and make a decision.</p>