Accept Full Scholarship and transfer to BU or Stay at UMass Boston

Based on your posting history, here are my 2 recommendations:

Stay at your CC. Get your Associate degree and apply for a junior transfer. Talk to the transfer advisor about articulation agreements that they may have with other 4 year colleges.

Go to BU with the intention of graduating from BU.

Remember even if you go to BU and transfer after 3 semesters in school (2 different colleges), you will still have to send your high school transcript.

I am just going to straight out say it…you are hoping to use BU to springboard into what you perceive will be an even “better” school.
The chances of this working are not going to be good; the AO will be able to see straight through what you are trying to achieve.

Your whole academic rrecord will be looked at its totality. Schools are going to see through what it is that you are attempting to do. You are not the first student who had a less-than-stellar trajectory through high school. When answering the Why are you transferring from BU? What will you say; that you want, need, and deserve what you perceive is a better school?

You have been given the benefit of a clean slate and you have an amazing opportunity. Take it and make the best of it.

Work a few years, apply to a top grad program if that is what you want to do. However, as @blossom stated, you are going to need a stellar work record along with strong recommendations and GMATs (even if they are even being used in the admissions process).


Unless I’ve missed something…this is not correct. Or maybe I misunderstood.

The student is currently at UMass Boston (not a community college). He has been accepted to BU to start his sophomore year…but then thinks transferring again might be a good idea. If he transfers from BU, it would be after his sophomore year in college (and I don’t think HS records are used for that…are they?).

So…he would be at UMass BOSTON, then BU, then maybe some other four year college to finish his degree. I don’t think this is a good plan. If he transfers to BU for fall 2023, my opinion is…he should stay there.


@sybbie719 i totally agree on this!! Nevermind that BU is an excellent place from which to get a bachelors degree.

Op has a chance thread posting asking about his chances of getting into a top 25 college Jan 2022 saying he was at bunker hill community college

By the time Op puts in his transfer paperwork, he will have 3 semesters under his belt if he started at UMass-Boston. They will ask for a transcript.

You would be surprised by the number of transcripts requests we get from Students who are transferring multiple times. ( including our own students) who have been out of school for multiple years.

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Thank you @sybbie719

@Arnold_Zegris Could you please clarify your college situation.

  1. Did you already transfer from Bunker Hill Community College to UMass Boston? If so…when?

If this is the case…your college history will look like this if you do as you want to do…

Bunker Hill Community College (1 year?) to UMass Boston (1 year?) to BU (for possibly one year) to possible some other college to finish your bachelors degree.

This is absolutely too much college changing.

So…please give the folks on this thread the WHOLE true story.

Here is the thread about the community college posted January 2022…

Also…you said you only applied to these colleges this year…but then later you said you also got accepted to Northeastern. How did you get accepted there if you didn’t apply?

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Closing for review.

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The thread will not be reopened as the user is not longer a member of CC.

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