<p>In the acceptance packet they want my original birth cert. or a official notarized photo-copy. I also need my birth certificate for getting a passport so I didn't want to send it off not knowing how long they will take before they return it. What exactly is an official notarized photocopy?
What are most of you doing?</p>
<p>I got an official notarized copy. Basically you bring the original down to the bank and they copy it and put a seal on it or something like that. It costs something but not very much money.</p>
<p>I took my son's birth certificate today, made a copy, and took it to a Notary Public who put her seal on it, with her name etc. and that's all there is to it.</p>
<p>I did what you did. Took my original to a notary, she made a copy and notarized it. Thanks!</p>