acceptance revoked?

<p>what does it take to get your acceptance revoked? i have 3 high C's in my AP classes, and it's not that i'm not trying it's that I just don't understand the courseload. Two of the AP classes, APES and Euro, have nothing to do with my intended major of accounting, and I took AP Calc after taking three years of college prep math, and I'm also taking a second math class called Advanced Math college prep. Should I be worried? My schedule is by no means easy, 3 ap's, two honors classes, and an honors elective.</p>

<p>I’ve been told that you should only be concerned if you have below a C- in classes. I have a C+ in AP Euro right now, and a C in Probability Honors (its the weirdest, worst math class ever.)</p>

<p>It’s frustrating because its not senioritis, I genuinely don’t understand the material no matter how hard I try. </p>

<p>But like I said, I’m going to try to maintain C’s in those classes and I think it will be fine. I sure hope so because it is causing me so much stress.</p>

<p>yeah that’s my thinking…i’m just trying to maintain a solid C.</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>i think youll be fineskippers. not relevant but i must question november1991’s claim that s/hes getting a C because s/he ‘geniunely doesnt understand the material, no matter how [he/she] tries’ in a history class, which is pure memorization… although it doesnt really matter anyway if hes a senior</p>

<p>Oh my C is referring to math. History is doable, it just takes time. But Probability is ridiculous and I hate it and it is the bane of my existence.</p>