Accepted--Academic Scholarship?

<p>I was accepted into the University of Miami!
However, in the letter it said that academic scholarships will be awarded mid or late March.
My situation is that, i wont go to Miami unless I get a decent scholarship, and if I get into UF (i find out the 14th) I will probably go there unless i get the big scholarship to UM. I'd rather not wait over a month to see if I get a big scholarship to UM! The chances, in my opinion, of getting a good scholarship is pretty low anyway but I still have a chance. Is there anything I can do? Or will I know if I get a scholarship earlier?</p>

<p>Btw: SAT 1360/2000

<p>did u take SAT, any idea of class rank? how many honors and/or AP classes in that GPA?</p>

<p>It’s too bad they did it like this. Last year, the merit scholarships for EA came with the acceptance. Makes it more stressful for you guys. It’s so hard to wait (but will be worth it if you get the $$ and attend the U!)</p>

<p>Yes i posted SAT. 1360 twoscore and 2000threescore.
I have taken 10 AP Classes during high school</p>

<p>What is the big deal? You have 2 options: 1) be patient, wait until you have 2 weeks before the May 1 deadline to pay your deposit, and spend the time thinking where you want, or can afford, to go to school; 2) if you are impatient, and feel like you need to pay your deposit to Gator nation, pay it. What do you risk, $400? Why don’t you want to wait?</p>