Accepted! But No Scholarship

<p>Hey guys, I got my acceptance today to U Miami today and I'm incredibly thrilled! However, the letter had no mention of any scholarship... and my college counselor had previously said that with my SAT scores (1380), I would be likely to get at least a little bit (I was surprised when she told me this too). </p>

<p>Was anyone else surprised at their not getting scholarship? </p>

<p>Does this definitely mean that I won't get any, or can I maybe expect this news later on? </p>


<p>edit: just to clarify, I didn't apply for FA. I'm talking about an academic scholarship here.</p>

<p>It does sound somewhat unusual; best course of action is to contact admissions on M, it may have been a package oversight. You should also check online at myUM</p>

<p>If your acceptance letter didn’t include or mention a scholarship they are awarding you, chances are you unfortunately did not receive any kind of academic scholarship from the university. </p>

<p>But you could be receiving some of their need based grants they distribute in financial aid packages so good luck!</p>

<p>Your counselor may have been talking about if you applied EA possibly…but what was your GPA and class rank (if you have one?)</p>

<p>My daughter received her acceptance today, and there was a certificate in the package that said she received a scholarship. It wasn’t in the letter, but a different sheet inside the packet.</p>