No Scholarship

<p>I got my decision today and to my dismay not scholarship :(
I was surprised because I recently talked to an admissions counselor and he said I could get a great scholarship of 16,000 to 24,000$ due to my scores and grades (32 act and 4.4 wgpa). Could there be a mistake?</p>

<p>What is your class rank? This is also a big part of the equation.</p>

<p>I am ranked 105/850sih maybe more. I have a huge class. I think im in the top 12% which i didn’t think was that bad. My stats on in the official Page.</p>

<p>I didn’t get one either… I’m top 3% of my class. I’m hoping they send out more later on? :/</p>

<p>I’m curious what your unweighted GPA and class-load were like? </p>

<p>Did you take AP/IB? Honors classes? </p>

<p>How were your EC’s?</p>

<p>At 32 and 4.4 weighted, I would think you’d be getting 16,000 at least.</p>

<p>Its official…Umiami sucks. It was my top school and go figure I got offered nothing and now can’t get close to affording it. 3.8/4 gpa and 2130/2400 SATs. I just don’t understand.</p>

<p>32 act and a good gpa with incredibly sensible explanations for a couple lower grades, and great essays and ec’s… no scholarship… are you f’ing kidding me</p>

<p>You have to keep in mind that they look at all parts of the application… the scores and GPA might be there, but if there is some part of the application they didn’t like, that can change the decision for sure.</p>

<p>I opened up the packet from the mail today and saw I was awarded the Dickinson Scholarship (20K). Thought UM was a reach…but I guess not. </p>

<p>4.45 GPA weighted
55/368 class rank (competitive public school)
1330/1930 SATS
good essay and recs
White male from Massachusetts</p>

<p>i don’t think there’s any way someone could scrutinize my application</p>

<p>Sorry to hear you guys didn’t get the scholarship package you were expecting, but I agree with trevmax7. If you guys had the GPA and SAT, I see three possibilities:</p>

<li>It’s a mistake. Unlikely, but possible; never hurts to ask.</li>
<li>You only had the GPA and SAT. Was your high school a good high school (meaning, did you get a 3.7 at a ****ty high school or a 3.5 at a magnet school?) Did you take AP and Honors courses? Were you involved in only one organization in high school for one year? Or were you involved in five organizations for three years? Did you do a significant amount of volunteering? Are you sure your recommendation was good?</li>
<li>You live in an area with lotttts of applicants to UM, so they had to cut down on the scholarships offered to students in that area. I don’t know if UM actually does this, but it’s possible.</li>

<p>For Florida residents, keep in mind that you always have Bright Futures and FRAG, as well as other federal scholarships.</p>

<p>I had my scores of 3.8 and 2130 along with 500+ hours community service, 2 sport varsity athlete and captain, a total of 6 ap and 10 honors classes out of 20 total. My common app essay was one of the best I’ve ever written and I attedn one of the top public schools in my state (CT). Pretty bummed out I’m not gonna lie.</p>

<p>Okay so I talked to the admissions office today…it wasn’t a mistake. they said my class rank was my set back. Im in the top 12% not 10%. Which sux because I go to one of the most competitive high schools in the state of Illinois. Im just upset about it because I read about a bunch of people with lower stats getting lots of money. Here are my stats</p>

Asian European
32 super scored ACT
Out of 20 classes I have taken 5 AP and 12 Honors. I’ve also had 5 years of science
Senior Courses: AP Bio, Honors Calc, AP Psych, AP College English and AP spanish
Awards: Illinois State Scholar- above top ten percent of students in the state, Academic All American, Community Human Relations Award.
EC: 12 years of gymnastics, 10 years of competitive Gymnastics, Wheel Throwing Club/Empty Bowls Service Project President, high school girls gymnastics team manager, lots of intramural sports.
Work Experience: Recreational and Team Gymnastics Coach for 3yrs, and Personal Dog Walker for 6yrs.
I thought I offered a good package and that I would get some sort of a scholarship, but I guess not. They said it was an honor just to get in.</p>

<p>tictac380, you just called and asked why you didn’t get a scholarship?</p>

<p>Its pretty upsetting. I’m number 20something out of 655 kids in my school, I have a 5.0 weighted GPA, 3.5 UW, a lot of ECAs, and a decent SAT score. :/</p>

<p>I didn’t get a scholarship either, which was super disappointing because my two other friends who got in got them. However, I checked the UM website and these were the requirements for eligibility:
demonstrate significant academic achievement above and beyond the average academic profile of a student admitted to UM’s freshman class</p>

<pre><code>have significant academic achievement in the classroom typically taking the most challenging curriculum and earning top grades throughout their high school career

<pre><code>have significant achievement on standardized tests and on average should earn at least a 1350 SAT or 31 ACT to receive consideration

<p>My SAT scores were subpar, so that’s expected but this still sucks. Hopefully I get financial aid or something.</p>

<p>im just angry because I did all those required things. It says nothing about class rank, which was the reason they said i couldn’t get one</p>

<p>A few years ago there was a chart on the website that had the different levels of scholarships and the minimum requirements to get them. I remember it clearly because our year it was “gone” but someone found it and posted it. I remember that we kind of checked off what our DS had and basically knew which one he’d qualify for. Does anyone still have the chart? I am guessing that it has changed alittle, but I believe you had to be in the top 10 percent to qualify for any level of scholarship. Also there were minimum SAT/ACT scores and gpas.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear of all your disappointments. </p>

<p>I have a feeling, like many schools, merit awards may decrease due to the economy.</p>

<p>Also, weighted GPA’s are really not realistic as each schools weights differently. Some schools weight for Honors, some only AP’s. </p>

<p>(FYI- 2 years ago, my Valedictorian, high scoring son (34 ACT, 4.0 unweighted GPA and 13 AP course… applied to Boston U as a safety. On the website it showed he met requirements for 1/2 or more merit. Accepted with $0 (and we don’t qualify for aid). Called the school admissions office and they couldn’t have cared less. Younger son was interviewed at 2 schools for engineering program. Interviewers both met with husband after and raved about our son and was told schools would be fighting for him and to expect lots of merit $. In the end, accepted at both, offered $7K a year at both (for 4-5 year programs) that cost about 45-50K a year. Yes, other kids with lower stats got more. It happens.)</p>

<p>This is why you apply to more than one school. It not only has to be an academic fit, but also monetary. If it doesn’t work for you or you got into another school you like and costs less, go there. Sadly, private schools, and many publics, cost a lot of money and little merit aid does not go very far. Good luck to all of you, wherever you may go.</p>


<p>After searching all my posts for over an hour (my fault for posting so much, lol!), I FINALLY found it!!!</p>

<p>This is from last year. They have changed the scholarships, cut out the smaller ones, and do not now mention class rank on the website. I think they are still using these class ranks to some extent. This year was always going to be a crap shoot. Who knew what they were going to do after all the market upheaval and large endowment losses. This is happening across the country.</p>


Estimated Amount*
Minimum Criteria for consideration**</p>

<p>Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship </p>

<p>Full Tuition
$34,000 annually
$136,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Top 1% class rank
A+ average
1500 SAT I or 34 ACT</p>


<p>University Scholarship
$24,000 annually
$96,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Top 5% class rank
A average
1400 SAT I or 32 ACT</p>


<p>Dean’s Scholarship
$16,000 annually
$64,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Top 7% class rank
A average
1350 SAT I or 31 ACT</p>


<p>Trustee Scholarship
$11,000 annually
$44,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Top 10% class rank
A average
1300 SAT I or 30 ACT</p>


<p>Collegiate Scholarship
$8,000 annually
$32,000 total for four years</p>

<p>Top 10% class rank
A- average
1300 SAT I or 30 ACT</p>

<p>That is what I was referring to. I remember it clearly because my son had 2 parts from 1 level and 1 part from the other. He ended up with the lower one! I hope this helps those that did not get what they wanted understand that there is a “plan” in the acceptance office, whether it is publicly published or not, and it is everchanging! My DD is worried because she is now in high school and will apply in 2 years and hopes she can get in and get the scholarship she needs. She’ll have to work even harder than her brother did. Darn this economy!</p>