<p>The fact that junior year is giving me two B's is making me feel terrible. I had straight A's until now and I'm so damn bummed. -_- Did you Yalies have any B's or C's?</p>
<p>I’m sure many did. Junior year is not over - just work harder!</p>
<p>I didn’t. I had a B+ in AP Gov. and there’s a chance I might do really bad in AP Calc this semester.</p>
<p>AP Gov was last year?</p>
<p>Yeah…my junior year.</p>
<p>I know someone that just got accepted with a C in Honors Geometry her freshman year.</p>
<p>^ Was she in any way hooked?</p>
<p>I had a B, no hooks.
I know someone with a C, no hooks.</p>
<p>I had a B in sophomore year, and a B junior year… both in honors levels classes. </p>
<p>Unhooked, Asian male… :)</p>
<p>Anyone get multiple B’s and B+'s? [i’m a prospective student …ff we’re talking semesters I’d have like, 6 total…]</p>
<p>this thread is inspirational, though. :)</p>
<p>My son was accepted SCEA with about 5 Bs. He is a legacy, though, with high scores.</p>
<p>It is very inspirational!</p>
<p>Sorry to ruin the party, but 0 B’s here. But unhooked, with merely decent ECs.</p>
<p>Unhooked, with one B+ (APUSH), but with 18 APs and 4+ post AP courses by graduation.</p>
<p>No Bs but unhooked</p>
<p>D has no Bs</p>
<p>my D got an C freshman year in chimie honors and she apply!</p>
<p>wow pianista what school do you go to? you don’t have to answer that, that was a question of mere bewilderment LOL. </p>
<p>I applied RD to Yale with no Bs, but I got a B+ first quarter of senior year and a couple A-s as well…does that look bad to get those grades on the mid year report since I know that counts for much?</p>
<p>Same question here</p>
<p>Eh, just for the lulz, my cousin had numerous A-'s, like 5 (and it showed on her transcript, and most of those A-'s were accumulated all at once), like 2 B’s.</p>
<p>Got into yale (last year, though, so class of 2012-ish), definitely not hooked by race, athletes, or anything like that in any way. </p>
<p>And no, it wasn’t an ultra-difficult-godly school either; it was a decent public school, although the classes were “AP”, if anything.</p>
<p>I believe that while most Yale students tend to have all A’s, that’s because those people overall and in general present stronger profiles; having a couple B’s in itself won’t do anything.</p>