Accepted ED; Now worried about midyear grades.

<p>This is not a case of senioritis, this is a case of the class being very difficult (at least for me)</p>

<p>First Quarter:
AP Economics: A+
AP English: A
AP BC Calc: B+
AP Chem: A+
AP Environmental: A+</p>

<p>Second quarter:
My BC Calc Grade is in the 70s right now, how great is the chance of me being rescinded? The class got harder since we finished AB and now are going on to material not covered by the AP exam (then sequences and series are third quarter).
I also got a C on my midterm in calc =/</p>

<p>Thanks =/ I'm mostly worried because I was accepted to engineering: a C in Calc doesn't look so good.</p>

<p>If all your grades dropped into the C range you might have reason to worry but I honestly can’t see them recinding your acceptance just for one grade.</p>