<p>I was accepted at BU, BC, Skidmore, NE, GW, Berkeley, Univ. of Chicago, waitlisted at Columbia, rejected at Georgetown and Drexel. (Drexel--yeah-really) I'm choosing BU and not accepting the spot on Columbia waitlist since I think I'd have to spend my entire life studying to get good grades there. Also, found NY a little intimidating. What I like about BU---the background of professors, the strong sciences and liberal arts programs, the friendliness of Boston, living in a city for once, Honors classes (if I get in), the types of activities right on campus every weekend, being close to water, far from home but not too far.</p>
<p>I'm also trying to decide between BU and USC -- it's funny that so many people are in the same boat as me! I am leaning toward BU simply because I am from the west coast and because my brother attends USC, making it less appealing. I am attracted to BU because of its location and its similarities to NYU, my first choice (wait listed). Do people from BU typically get into good graduate schools?</p>
<p>I'm into U of MD College Park, BU, Georgetown U, and Swarthmore C... 0-o I don't know anymore. :-P</p>
<p>Do you wqant to be in a city? I didn't get into Georgetown. Will you be in Honors Program at Maryland and/or BU? G-town is a cool school too but I'm not Catholic so maybe its for the best. I have a friend at Swathmore who is the smartest student I ever met and he had to take a year off at Swathmore after Freshman yr.because the studying was so intense that he got depressed since he could never go out. I thought of accepting the Univ. of Chicago but the weather wasn't just cold but brutally windy and Chicago didn't seem as much of a college town as Boston.</p>
<p>Let's see... one at a tme.</p>
<p>I don't really need a city to be happy (I don't think so), but it certainly helps to be able to go out and do things without much of a hassle. Meaning it's a factor, but not a huge one.</p>
<p>I was accepted into UMD Honors.</p>
<p>I'm so confused when people talk to me about BU and honors. BU DOES NOT HAVE AN HONORS PROGRAM. (RIGHT?) If it does, what is it called? I got into the University Professors Program, though, which, to my knowledge, is the closest thing to Honors.</p>
<p>Swarthmore... is interesting. I am attracted to it, but am not sure I could handle it. It is a very ... well-endowed school with a large assortment of positives, though.</p>
<p>Check out the BU groups on livejournal. Someone may be able to tell you more about the University Professors Program. I think it's highly regarded. Saul Bellow, who died the other day, was a University Professor.</p>
<p>Thanks to all on the congrats-ing.</p>
<p>Ok, I feel stupid, but I found the honors college link: <a href="http://www.bu.edu/cas/honors/program.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.bu.edu/cas/honors/program.html</a>. I wonder if I woulda gotten in if I applied to CAS instead of UNI. Oh well.</p>
<p>Pffttt... deciding on a college is too much work.</p>
<p>If you don't do Univ. Professors Program you could certainly do the Honors Program. You can even apply to Honors later if you didn't have the stats when you left HS and were admitted to BU but if your BU grades suggest you would be an Honors type student. You may want to check if both are an option if you are so inclined. I met a family at Parents weekend with a daughter in the Univ. Professors Program and it sounded like the opportunties were unreal. She had this unbelievable internship lined up and it seems like a close knit group of faculty and students.</p>
<p>ge can you post this link on the thread called HONORS Program, its back about 10 threads. I'm a computer illiterate parent and can't figure out how to do this. There were lots of questions on the Honors thread that this link can answer.</p>
<p>Honors Program: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=47666%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=47666</a></p>
<p>if any knowledgeable BU-loving parent, current student, or fanatic admit wants to help me consider University Professors at BU with Swarthmore, PM me please.</p>
<p>You don't have to be in the Honors Program to take Honors classes. The web site lists some of the classes offered and some of the events on the link above.
I am defintely going to BU.BC seems too dull and Washington DC, well, no one lives in the city they all seem to go suburban at night. It seems that all the Boston neighborhoods are clean and safe. I looked on the city map and it is easy to figure out compared to NYC and D.C. I am finally getting passed my uncertainty and getting excited. See all of you this summer. Any current BU students---What is the Avalon?</p>
<p>It's a club that is across the street to Fenway. At least, that's what I think it is. I went to a Phantom Planet concert there this past summer. It's a close walk from the Towers. I would say about ten minutes when a Red Sox game is going on at the same time and the streets are filled with crowds of fans.</p>
Are you any closer to your decision? Did you follow the suggestion and get input about the Univ. Professors Program on one of the BU livejournal sites?
One thing to consider about a Swathmore type school is that you would be "just any student" among many scholars. In the BU Professsors Program you would get a lot of attention and treated accordingly in terms of opportunities. At Swathmore you'd have to compete for those opportunities with similar students. In your HS---are you used to being at the top of your class? Is that important to you? Is BU offering you merit aid that you could use toward grad school or studies abroad? Swathmore is an outstanding and intense learning environment in a beautiful area of PA. There are a lot of pluses. The students I have met from there are a very specific type tough. I don't see as much diversity, I don't mean ethnic or racial, but personality/style. I may be wrong but the students I know there are very much a like. That could be a good or bad thing. This is a BU Board though and we are somewhat biased since BU would love to have you. Good luck whatever you decide.</p>
<p>I am partial to BU as well. Not only because I have applied there, but because I attended the BU high school honors program over summer '04. So, while I'm not terribly well-versed in the drinking/clubbing scene in Boston, I do know the T decently well and what's out there. I also have a feel for the general student body. Granted, in the summer it's different, but the mentality is nonetheless similiar and recognizably BU.</p>
<p>I have not flooded the BU blogs, because I have discussed the topic with University Professor students before. (I was paying attention to your posts, though. I promise.) One of the counselors of the honors program & several of the older kids I hung out with were in UNI. It is true they have many opportunities (I would brag about taking a class taught by Elie Wiesel for a lifetime), but when I talk to students, I don't hear that. I hear concerns about being boxed in by the program requirements in the first two years, by losing track of progress with the major in the last two - it seems to be an easy program to lose out on, despite the advising. In the end, you get about the same level of classes and the same student body towards the end of the program. On a similiar line of thinking, Moreover, simply because you're in a special program doesn't mean the student body you hang with is any different... </p>
<p>The aid packages aren't entirely different, but financially, BU requires more loans after everything, not including cost of living in Boston. In a way, I do wonder if I should have applied to some other Boston schools, because there might have been some kickass combo of upper tier LAC with perfect fin aid in Boston that mighta clinched it for me.</p>
<p>I think, though, the real factor here is that I don't have another chance to visit BU, whereas Swat is closer & driving distance AND paying my transportation for their admit weekend... I can't really explore the benefits beyond what I've already done. So it feels like Swat want me more and has money to back it, whereas BU would like me, but will let me go without a fight. Although it may sound like it, the decision is not done and made. I have denied my various waitlists, but the actual decisions are awaiting visits. So we shall see.</p>
<p>Although I am amused, dogs, that you spelt it Swathmore. It makes it sound as obnoxious as Haaaaaaavard kids. Although with HaAvard, it's also cuz the Boston accent just lacks an R, cuz back in the day, the lower classes didn't pronounce the R. With Swat, it's just cuz they're obnoxious.</p>
<p>Hey i applied early decision to CAS as a PRE-Medicine major (yes, the actual major i choose from the list was pre-med) I got deferred to regular admission and was accepted. I was accepted into the Science and Engineering Program in MET. Can anyone tell me anything about this program? All I have is the info that BU offers. I want the "real" info. I also got into Northeastern. I REALLY REALLY like boston, the city. so i am cutting out all the other schools i got into. I'm trying to choose if this program will be right. I have to take 64 credits by sophmore yr and i can transfer into CAS. I will have to take a summer course between freshman and sophmore year, which is cool cause i'll be in boston longer. Any info, opinions whould be great!</p>
<p>gphoenix: I was in the honors program too. Actually, I was in the research program, but maybe we know each other. I've been wondering if anyone from the program was on this board. :)</p>
<p>yo gphoenix, im in a similar position. ive been accepted to both amherst and bu (university scholars program) with similar financial aid, and now im trying to select one of them! ahhhh! im leaning towards amherst right now though.</p>
<p>ray, as soon as i got my amherst acceptance, i disregarded my BU acceptance. not to denigrate BU, but i really think that amherst would be a more challenging and intellectual environment as a whole, although the university scholars program is very good. and i don't think BU can offer the same personalization/attention, even with uni scholars, as a school as small as amherst can.</p>
<p>Since you can't visit BU again why not call the head of the Univ. Professors Program to discuss your questions rather than assume one wants you more than the other since that may not be the case? It seems you will do well no matter where you go but naturally we'd love to see you pick BU.</p>
<p>BU has Boston going for it and I think it is a major factor for many BU students most of whom grew up in a suburban environment and want an urban experience that isn't as intimidating as NYC. I wish I could take credit for the Swaaaaaathmore bit but I am just at an age where I may need bi-focals so likely to make many typos.</p>