<p>Ok So I got accepted as a transfer student at SUNY Buffalo and Syracuse University. Next fall will be my sophomore year. Im an Accounting major. I really love syracuse and the entire atmosphere and have heard some great things about the Whitman School of Management. However Im not sure it's worth it to make my dad pay over 40,000 a year for school. I then have the option of going to Buffalo. It's much cheaper under 15,000. The school is ranked lower Syracuse Business is ranked i think 49 while Buffalo is 120 I think. I like Buffalo too just not as much as Syracuse. Basically Ive heard that it doesnt matter where I go to business school b/c theyre all equal in terms of getting a job as long as theyre accredited. I also want to think about the future money Ill have to shell out for Law School. Anyone have any advice? Havent recieved my financial aid package from Syracuse But I cant imagine having to pay less than 35,000.</p>
<p>See if you can find out anything about their internships and outplacement after graduation.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, business is an area where pedigree does matter. A degree from a higher-ranked b-school is always better than lower-ranked. But, that is not so true in accounting; even community colleges will give you enough accounting background to sit for a CPA. Take a look at both colleges career center and find out if the Big 4 accounting firms recruit from both, and how many offers/internships they make on an average year. </p>
<p>OTOH, law school is (almost) all about grades and LSAT. Thus, a 4.0 from Buffalo beats a 3.5 from Syracuse for law school admissions. And, you have the monetary factor…tough decisions.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>check SUNY Buff for alumni network…SU has a huge one but not sure it’s worth the diff in $$…you need to do some research on this…I do know that Whitman job recruiting had been very good prior to the economic crisis…</p>
When did you hear from Syracuse. We are still waiting.
Son should get into Syracuse and merit money will play a factor. Son likes Bing and Buffalo so it’s nice to know he has cheap choices in the mix. </p>
<p>Rank is one thing, but let’s be realistic, if it was the only thing then only the graduates of top ranked schools would be employed in any major. </p>
<p>Consider what Bluebayou has to say. $$ saved on undergrad can be spent on law school. We have that with son#1.</p>
<p>Syracuse is worth the extra money.</p>
<p>thanks for the advice everyone! although there are some mixed responses on this subject. O and I heard from SU about a week and a half ago. I think now that I have this input that I will probably choose Suny Buffalo, based on the cost. If i didnt plan to go to law school, I wouldve probably chosen SU. Im still visiting SU next month and am waiting for my financial aid package…</p>