Accepted into UCSB and UW Seattle for Accounting

<p>Hello there!</p>

<p>I was recently accepted into UCSB for its Econ+Accounting major and into UW Seattle's Accounting major. Although UW has a decent business school, I've heard that UCSB's econ+acct programs pretty high regarded (Is this true??). I'm kinda stuck as to which school to choose to attend. Also, do the Big 4 accounting firms recruit from both schools? And since
I want to work in California after I graduate, does this mean I should go to UCSB instead?</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!</p>


<p>Big 4 recruits from both schools. Go with UCSB if you want to work in SoCal after you graduate since they recruit from schools in their region. This is all assuming money isn’t a concern for you.</p>

<p>“I want to work in California after I graduate”</p>

<p>Definitely Santa Barbara, no question</p>