Accepted or Denied: Its your call

<p>Hey everyone, I just wanted to know what my chances are and if you think I will be accepted or rejected this school. This would be almost the exact application the schools would get from me next year, as I am a junior right now in high school. </p>

<p>Not Weighted *out of 4.0 GPA </p>

<p>a) Freshman year 3.2
b) Sophomore year 3.4
c) Junior year 3.84
(Upward Trend GPA)</p>

<p>Total Cumulative GPA: 3.48</p>

<p>Sat Raw Score 1550 800 math 750 reading 760 writing</p>

<p>4 Varsity Letters freshman through senior year Swimming
4 Varsity Letters freshman through senior year Spring Track
2 Varsity Letters junior through senior year Soccer
Captain of the Swim team
Captain of the Spring Track team
Scholar Athlete Award for the 2007-2008 school year for perfect grades while being a varsity athlete
142 Hours voluntary community service helping out the poor disorganized farms in Israel
Recommendation from Swim Coach/ Math Teacher Junior Year Final Grade = A / employer over the past 3 years at Haworth Swim Club (I am a lifeguard full time in the summer)
Special Letter of Recommendation from current prime minister of Israel ( Did work in the Israeli Embassy in America with my father )
Student Senate (Club)
Latin Club
SuperintendentÂ’s Student Advisory Committee ( Club / Counsel to promote Random Drug Testing in high schools in New Jersey</p>

<p>English Honors Italian Honors Latin Honors History Honors classes</p>

<p>Do you think I have a chance to be accepted to this school, if you believe I can get accepted and that there is a high possibility, what do you I will get in regards to financial aid/scholarships (Parents combine to make less then 80,000 dollars a year)</p>

<p>are you in-state or OOS?</p>

<p>There's a chance thread stickied.</p>

<p>For you, it's difficult to say. Your GPA is quite a bit below the average, though the trend is good, and your SAT is great. Your ECs are okay, though they seem to focus mostly on athletics. Berkeley doesn't consider recommendations, so even a rec from a prime minister will be thrown out. Are you in-state? If so, I'd say slight reach to reach. If OOS, and I assume you are (since you mention NJ), it's a reach.</p>

<p>I think it's a reach based on your GPA.</p>

<p>Hey everyone, I just wanted to know what my chances are and if you think I will be accepted or rejected this school. This would be almost the exact application the schools would get from me next year, as I am a junior right now in high school. </p>

<p>Not Weighted *out of 4.0 GPA </p>

<p>a) Freshman year 3.2
b) Sophomore year 3.4
c) Junior year 3.84
(Upward Trend GPA)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: Freshman year 3.65
Sophomore Year 3.92
Junior Year 4.47</p>

<p>Cumulative : 4.05</p>

<p>Total Cumulative GPA: 3.48</p>

<p>Sat Raw Score 1550 800 math 750 reading 760 writing</p>

<p>Freshman Year No Honors classes
Sophomore Year 2 Honors Classes (English History)
Junoir Year 3 Honors classes (Italian, English, Latin)
Senior year 3 AP Classes, 1 Honors Classes)</p>

<p>(*Improving rigour of courses)</p>

<p>4 Varsity Letters freshman through senior year Swimming
4 Varsity Letters freshman through senior year Spring Track
2 Varsity Letters junior through senior year Soccer
Captain of the Swim team
Captain of the Spring Track team
Scholar Athlete Award for the 2007-2008 school year for perfect grades while being a varsity athlete ( I have recieved the award already for fall and winter, so instead "Two Time Scholar Athlete"
142 Hours voluntary community service helping out the poor disorganized farms in Israel
Recommendation from Swim Coach/ Math Teacher Junior Year Final Grade = A / employer over the past 3 years at Haworth Swim Club (I am a lifeguard full time in the summer) * He told me to keep up my grades and that i will personally get an A in his class if he just sees full effort from me*
Special Letter of Recommendation from current prime minister of Israel ( Did work in the Israeli Embassy in America with my father )
Student Senate (Club)
Latin Club
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee ( Club / Counsel to promote Random Drug Testing in high schools in New Jersey</p>

<p>English Honors Italian Honors Latin Honors History Honors classes</p>

<p>Do you think I have a chance to be accepted to this school, if you believe I can get accepted and that there is a high possibility, what do you I will get in regards to financial aid/scholarships (Parents combine to make less then 80,000 dollars a year)</p>

<p>i want to major in business and maybe get a mba later on</p>


<p>I'm leaning more toward rejected. Again, are you in-state or not?</p>


<p>i am out of state. way out of state *new jersey</p>

<p>out of state with that GPA will make it extremely difficult</p>