University of Miami Fall 2018 Transfer

Hey guys!

I just wanted to find out my chances of getting accepted as a Transfer to the University of Miami for the Fall 2018 semester. I’m applying to the College of Engineering. This is what I’m applying with:

  • Currently at a 4-year University
  • Completed 60 credits, with a GPA of 3.59

Just wanted to know what my chances are of getting in, as well as a time-frame of getting an admission decision?

Thank you!

Hey ! I just transferred in this spring. I also was at a 4 year university. I had 43 credits and a 3.4 gpa. I got in! And I LOVE IT so far.

Hi I also am looking to transfer I am a freshman with 15 credits completed and 19 in progess. I have a 3.59 gpa and I wanted to know how long did you have to wait to get your acceptance

Hc10154, congrats! I’m still waiting for a decision, I called the office and they said to expect it in March, but on their website it says that transfer applicants get a decision back on a rolling basis once the application is complete, so I’m hoping that it’ll be any minute now! Did you find out on CaneLink or did you get a letter in the mail??

hey! so i’m also awaiting a decision with 70 credits and a 3.4 gpa, super nervous and I was told it was a rolling basis on the phone :confused: so idk why it says march, but a know a large majority find out in march so that makes sense but I hope its sooner bc my file will be complete by next week!

My cane link says my files incomplete when I have sent everything in is anyone else experiencing the same problem ? @tatidee123 @CaliBoyDownSouth

@byrd26 They usually take a while to process everything, so I’d say to give it a week or two then call and see what’s going on if its still not updated on your CaneLink account.

@tatidee123 I called them yesterday to let them know that I received an email saying that they have received my fall 2017 transcripts and to update my file. I’ve called three times this past month and they all said March, but yesterday, the woman on the phone said that they send out the first batch of decisions in April! Idk what’s going on but I guess that they say that based on experience. I’d say to keep a close eye on your account as we go into March, good luck to all of us!

im also applying as a sophomore transfer! just submitted my app today

I finished my application about 3 weeks ago.
I am a sophomore studying marketing at Florida Gulf Coast University and I have 46 completed credits with a 3.71 GPA.
I created my own club on campus and have been a part of other organizations.
Also, I included on my common app how I have created my own online business.

What do you think my chances are of getting in?
Thank you for the help!

sounds good

I am applying for Fall 2018 as well. I am so nervous can somebody give me some input on my chances pretty pretty please.

My stats:

High school cumulative avg: 90 %,

26 on ACT

GPA: 3.56 for first semester (at a 4 year college), hoping to do well this semester too.

Major: Communications

Letter of Recommendation: 1 recommendation from a communications professor at my current college.

Extra Curricular Activites: D1 Lacrosse athlete

What are my chances??? p

Hello everyone! I’ve been creeping for a little while, but I thought I’d include my stats They’re pretty basic in comparison to everyone else’s lol. I’m applying to the College of Arts & Sciences.

Second semester freshman
Current GPA: 3.4; I had a hiccup with a class, but nothing serious.

Foreign Language Tutor 25 hours/wk
Military Veteran
Gymnastics; not a part of an organized group

My predicament is kinda unique- I am enrolled in my second semester as a freshman, but I have approximately 50 credits due to military service, AP and CLEP testing. I’m just stating this because my GPA is based solely on the last semester as all other credits that I have are not graded. I got one C which dropped me to a 3.4 (sucks right). I’ll be taking more classes this summer.

did you get in?

has anyone been accepted yet


Too soon I think, not thinking about it much, it’ll kick in mid March -early April

they deemed my application complete im so excited

if you see the letter that they sent saying applications were complete, there’s a link that takes you to ‘Applications + Deadlines’, on that page it says decisions come out early April :frowning: I hope that its just something they say so that they don’t get bombarded with calls if they take too long. I’m hoping that we get a reply in March, at the very latest.

me too I emailed someone about that yesterday. if we all get in we can start a group chat for transfers. is anyone going to tryout for any clubs or sports. im thinking about cheerleading.