University of Miami Fall 2019 Transfer

Hiii I’m a Fall 2019 transfer applicant and I haven’t seen a thread for this yet so thought I’d start one. Post questions/decisions here! Good luck! :slight_smile:

Hey!! Good luck to you! I’m feeling real confident about my application. I’m just having real trouble with transcripts right now. No one’s been giving me a straight answer until today when I met with the dean of my school. I live in Broward County which around 30 minutes away from Miami so I hope my transcripts come in time :confused: I’ve been so stressed!!!

@katchow I just ordered my transcripts yesterday for electronic delivery! I think they will still look over your application as long as it is submitted through Common App on time. When your transcript is delivered to them, they will then add that to your file I believe, so don’t worry!

Does anybody know when they will be sending out decisions? I know they moved the deadline to April 1st.

Also, what do you think my chances are?
High School GPA: 3.67
Undergrad GPA: 4.0 (14 credit hours)
Act: 29
Act: 1330

I also have had a few internships over the past 8 months, have lots of volunteering for my church, and was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa.

Did anyone hear back yet?


I know admissions said decisions should be out mid April but has anyone heard anything different? When did everyone apply?

I heard late april not mid april. Has anyone called and asked?

I called in March and was informed we’d “still hear back at the end of March” and then I called again and they said May but then the women on the phone changed her answer and said Late April, then Mid April. From reading the class of 2023’s thread, I think it’s safe to say there isn’t a definite, or even general date ://///

On cane link it says my Act score is still on my to do list but I sent it like 3-4 weeks ago and then I sent it again a second Tim last week. I emailed them and everything I made sure to check that it sent on the ACT page. Do you think it’s just because they have so many documents that they haven’t been able to update it?

That happened to me before. I called and had them look it up and they checked it off then. I guess they just miss documents sometimes

Has anyone called recently to see when we’ll hear back? fall 2018 transfers heard back this week but I doubt that we will. I’m getting very impatient.

Ok thank you. So I’m sure it’s fine right?

I’ve still had issues with them receiving my ACT scores… it’s been about three weeks since I sent them which is frustrating.

Did anyone else send in a midterm report from their current semester?? are we required to do so?

I’d call and just ask them to check. And yes I sent a midterm report and am 99% you’re required to.

No, you are not required to. Only if they ask for one.

Yeah it’s only if they ask for one. Also, can someone please let us know when they hear back? I’m getting kinda anxious over here hahaha

Call and ask

Hi! Does anyone know an exact date that We will be hearing back? Im really anxious about this. Also, If my GPA is 3.66, Ive been on the deans list 2 times and I am currently still on it, what are my chances of getting in?