Hello friends-many of the CC community have assisted me in the past with admissions questions, and I now return for help after getting the prized acceptance letter-allow me to explain:
In my HS, we divide our grades into 4 quarters-We just received our 2nd quarter grades, which are giving me great cause for alarm. I received 5 A’s, a B, and a D in my Statistics class. In my past, I have done uncharacteristically poor with the Stats teacher I have now- I hate to lay blame upon a teacher, but when someone gets a 97 in H Physics but a 66 in Statistics, a discrepancy is quite surprising! Anyways, this D horrifies me to no end-does this spell doom for my acceptance? Should I contact the school now? I’ve already asked to meet with my GC regarding this (although the department in general has been horrendous with helping me in this situation) but my concern is racking my brain.
Any help would be highly valued!!!
Here’s an idea of my grade situation from the earlier post I had created here on CC
In my high school career, I have received an 86 GPA, which I’m told is roughly a 3.3 on the 4.3 scale and a 3.0ish on the 4.0 scale. Throughout these years, I’ve taken Honors level classes: two in my Freshman year, three in my Sophomore year, and four in my Junior year. I’ve been taking 3 years of an Honors language so far and plan to complete a 4th this upcoming year; I’ve been a part of the school football team for 3 years and plan to complete a 4th; I’ve been a leader in a school orchestra for the same amount of time, started an afterschool orchestra last year I had a large role in maintaining, been a part of a Mock Trial team for two years with a third coming up, and with all of this, I’ve also worked as a newspaper writer intern at a town paper company. As for future education, I plan on attending the UMASS schools (if possible), mainly UMASS Boston and Lowell, and possibly Merrimack College. I should also note that in my sophomore year, I received 3 D grades in my math class due to depression and anxiety issues, which I resolved during the year. My grades are basically A’s, mainly B’s, and the occasional C.