
I see on one of the other threads that someone has already knows they have been accepted. When looking at the portal, how can you tell if your child has been accepted? On the application status page, it says “Decision Made”, but I don’t see where it tells that she has been accepted in the university. I don’t have any doubts that she will be admitted, I’m just curious to know where you find the information.

Also, any idea when the university sends paper notifications?

Thanks for your insights.

On the left hand side of the portal, there will be a “student” tab if accepted.

Also, under the Admissions/Scholarship tab, if you select Submit Freshman Enrollment Deposit, it will say the student has been admitted.

Found it! I was looking for the words “You have been Admitted” and I found it under the “Submit Freshman Enrollment Deposit” link.

D18 accepted today as well - you sure need to know what you are looking for to find it!! Congrats on your acceptances.

Roll Tide!

My child tried to argue w/ me that the student tab has always been there. I told him to go click on it. I love it when I hear the words “you’re right mom.” Congrats to the above! Mine got accepted today too. :slight_smile:

Thanks! Would have never known how to find that. D was also accepted!

Congrats to all of you!!

I was also accepted on 9/4; however, I was wondering when they will notify us about scholarships and honors college acceptance. I’m really nervous about getting good housing too because I can’t submit my deposit until i’m positive about going to Alabama. I basically won’t here from my next school until November and then January. So, when will I know about scholarships and is it okay to wait on housing deposit until January?

@lelale7673 I’m pretty sure Honors College is automatic is you have the scores (ACT 28). ??

Also, many of the merit scholarships are automatic based on your ACT score. So you can be sure which of those you received based on your ACT score. For the other scholarships (some specific ones you apply for), I don’t know! Good luck.

I’m pretty sure it is ok to wait on housing deposit, you just won’t get first choice.

I had to apply to the Honors College at UA, but I found out on 9/7 that I got accepted! I have a 33 ACT and a 3.9 GPA so I’m hoping to get almost full tuition. @collegework

My dd made her housing deposit last year at the beginning of December. She ended up with a housing selection date right in the middle. She was able to get into the dorm she wanted, just not the floor she wanted but it turned out great and she is very happy.


Not everybody can afford to put down multiple housing deposits as they await decisions throughout the school year from all the colleges they’ve applied to. At UA they’ll refund your housing deposit if you change your mind, but you’ll lose the deposit you make when you accept your offer of admission. (You can’t make a housing deposit until you accept admission.)

Many of our students have been in that situation. If you have to wait, you’ll have less flexibility in terms of choosing your housing, but I wouldn’t let that be a deal breaker for you. We were in that situation four years ago, and it all worked out just fine.

If you know UA is your first choice, make your deposits ASAP.

@LucieTheLakie I’m pretty sure UA is my top school! The scholarships are hard to beat. However, it won’t allow me to submit housing yet even though I have already paid the enrollment deposit.

My son got his acceptance today. We are out of state - PA.

@lelale7673, I’m pretty sure the option to register for housing will pop up before the end of the year. Keep an eye out for it.

@UAHousing, can you confirm or correct my memory?

I was accepted with a 3.3!