Accidentally let your grade slip?

<p>In my orchestra class, I had a quiz on the EXACT day that there was a cross country race. That meant I had to miss orchestra. However, I didn't even know I had missed a quiz until near the end of the semester and now, I might actually get a B. Funny thing is, some of my teammates who had orchestra and that are in cross country made up for it and told me my teacher had said there was a quiz on the day of the cross country race. I however, don't remember her ever telling us that. I'm a staight A person and I usually don't forget things like that. Has anything like this ever happened to you? Like you try your best to get all As, but you accidentally make a mistake and oops....there goes that A. Next time, I'll make sure I'll ask people in my class what we did for the day I missed.</p>

<p>How is your semester still going on?..</p>

<p>In AP Bio yesterday, I didn’t know there was a test and I hadn’t read the book at all the night before…</p>

<p>My first semester doesn’t end until after next week. Block scheduling.</p>

<p>When does second end?</p>

<p>Early June. I love block though, so much less stress and frankly less homework.</p>

<p>Word eziamm.</p>

<p>Oh, no winter break? When does it start?</p>