<p>Does anybody know if the cuts for the ACG and SMART Grant programs is only for Texas, or is this a nationwide cut. I thought those programs were federal programs, but maybe it's one of those things that the federal government gives the money to the states and they decide what to do with it. The explanation that I read in the report from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board was that the program has been underutilized, so it's not really needed, funds would be better used in other areas. So they just rolled the surplus over into other areas, when at least they could have used the surplus to fund the program until it ran out. Daughter only got the first two years, the ACG portion due to her field of study, but son would have qualified for all four years, so this does not make me happy. Of course, keep in mind that we're the state the feds want to sign an agreement to use the new education funding for education purposes, since it appears we didn't do so last time around, (which is another thing I didn't know about). Since Texas has zero dollars in the budget for these grants, I'm assuming that those students who got them in the past and were counting on them for the future are out of luck. Anybody have any additional information on this?</p>
<p>The ACG and SMART programs were always set to sunset after the 2010-2011 school year. Sometimes new programs have a sunset date but are extended but this program is going to be allowed to die next year and there are no plans to change this. It is the whole federal ACG/SMART program that ceases to exist after this school year, not just in any one state. My daughter was lucky that she fully benefited from both (she is a senior this year). It was a real blessing, especially the SMART. It is a shame it is going away.</p>
<p>The information you are reporting is taking effect for 10-11, correct? ACG & SMART are still around this year (10-11).</p>
<p>And yes, the programs are underutilized. I work at a school with a lot of Pell students. Many students qualify for Year 1 ACG based on high school coursework, but they fail to achieve the 3.0 gpa for Year 2. Same with the SMART … very few of our students actually get the SMART, due to gpa’s less than 3.0.</p>
<p>The move in financial aid is to expanding Pell. This year, the EFC threshold was raised, and the Pell payments were raised. In addition, students can now qualify for up to 2 full Pell awards in a year.</p>
<p>Kelsmom - you might be able to answer a couple of questions about the SMART (while it is still around). </p>
<li><p>If a student is transferring in the Spring to a 4 year state U from a CC will the student be able to be considered for the SMART for the spring as a transfer student. Will be junior standing on transfer, has a very high GPA from the CC, and is Pell eligible. If so then:</p></li>
<li><p>If the student is planning on declaring a double major and one of the majors is a SMART eligible major and the other is not can they still get the SMART. Does that complicate things too much. </p></li>
<p>I have not been able to find the answer to how/if the SMART works for transfer students or anything about double majors. Even if the SMART is just for the one semester that $2000 in grant money is better than $2000 in loans.</p>
<p>Swimcatsmom, in case she doesn’t see your question, here’s a link that should provide some answers for you:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol3Ch4Sept30.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/0910FSAHbkVol3Ch4Sept30.pdf</a></p>
<p>As long as the student is classified as a junior, and her GPA from the transferred courses is at least 3.0, she can get the SMART. However, because identifying students is sometimes tricky, the student would be wise to pay a visit to the financial aid office to make sure she gets on the SMART officer’s radar for awarding. </p>
<p>Double major is not an issue … as long as one major is SMART-eligible, that’s enough.</p>
<p>It’s not complicated at all, but again … she must make sure she gets that award. Sometimes transfer students will fall through the cracks.</p>
<p>Thank you so much Kelsmom. The reason i wanted to make sure I understand and know what I am talking about is to make sure no cracks are fallen through. </p>
<p>I read the link the sk8rmom provided (thank you sk8rmom) but gosh they way they write those rules is confusing to us mere mortals!! Maybe you should volunteer to write their rules for them in a way people can understand. For a price of course.</p>
<p>These rules are simple compared to the year-round Pell rules!! :)</p>