<p>Last time I took the ACT...It was not stead of there being only four parts...there was another part.</p>
<p>It happened to be math...</p>
<p>My question is if I dont take the writing again, will I see this "special" section? Is it optional?</p>
<p>What's better to take?</p>
<p>When did you take it?? if it was in June then it was normal (experimental section).</p>
<p>Yes, the last time I took the test was in June.</p>
<p>The next time I take this test will be in December.</p>
<p>Should I take the writing or not? (My college doesn’t require it.)</p>
<p>If I dont take the writing, will I have to do that “experimental” section.</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter really… not like that section counts either way.</p>
<p>I think usually the experimental section is only in June (if i remeber right) and no other times… so no worries.</p>
<p>Or as in… no need to take ACT w/ writing.</p>