ACT score dilemma.

<p>Hey Guys,</p>

<p>I have a pretty bad problem.
I am an international applicant from europe and am not too happy with my ACT scores (28).
I will retake that test on Saturday but I have realized that I will get my results starting December 29th. As I live in Europe I will probably not be able to able to see them until the 31st. On January 1st, stores are closed here and I won't be able to send out the applications with my updated scores.
Should I send a letter of appeal as soon as I have those new scores?
Should I send my score reports out with my old scores or should I wait for the new scores who might be out only after the application deadlines of my fav. schools?</p>


<p>I hope you realize that you have to tell ACT to send your scores to your schools in order for them to be official. The scores you report on the Common App don’t really matter. Send your Common App with your old scores on them.</p>

<p>…unless I’m missing something here.</p>

<p>^^concur. There is no guarantee that you ACT scores will be available in late Dec – that’s only when they start coming online. Dec scores could be as late as Feb 6. Thus, report what you have now, and send scores from your Dec date.</p>

<p>Just ask ACT to send your results now for the December test, if you feel you did OK. Otherwise have the previous ACT score of 28 sent just in case. Schools pick the higher one. Then, go have a happy New Year!</p>