ACT scores

<p>Anyone receive their ACT score from the September test? DD rec’d her paper score in the mail today. She’s puzzled because the score isn’t posted online yet. We are all thrilled that she finally hit the Presidential mark! We’re just wondering if it’s a fluke that she rec’d her score via snailmail before online.</p>

<p>I hit the mailbox as soon as I saw this, and my son’s is not there. But others have posted that it is showing up on their college’s admissions site. Congrats to your daughter!</p>

<p>Asaun and D…congrats! What a relief!!!</p>

<p>Congrats!!! Seeing that magical number has got to be one of the best feelings in the world!</p>

<p>Congratulations to your daughter.</p>

<p>Have you looked at the ACT/SAT forum to see if others have rec’d scores?</p>

<p>I searched for any ACT updates earlier today. None found. </p>

<p>Thanks for the congrats! Third times a charm, I suppose. DD is most excited that she doesn’t have to sit for another test :)</p>

<p>vlines- Sorry for the false excitement. Honestly, I’ve been having one of the worst weeks of my life. When I was leaving to run errands, some odd sense came over me to look in the mailbox (it was 2 hours before the normal mail delivery). I was in disbelief because I knew that it had not even been 2 weeks. Confession…then I cried tears of JOY!</p>

<p>Good luck to all the determined students out there trying to secure a scholarship! Keep trying. You never know when that will be the one test you’ll dominate.</p>

<p>*I searched for any ACT updates earlier today. None found. </p>

<p>I’ve been having one of the worst weeks of my life. When I was leaving to run errands, some odd sense came over me to look in the mailbox (it was 2 hours before the normal mail delivery). I was in disbelief because I knew that it had not even been 2 weeks. Confession…then I cried tears of JOY!</p>


<p>Wow! A special delivery during a time when you needed good news most. </p>


<p>TRUE!!! </p>

<p>I’m sort of a hard *ss when it comes to “letting go to let the tears flow”, even when I know that’s exactly what I need. Today’s arrival was therapeutic in many many ways. </p>

<p>I’m a cleansed soul tonight!!</p>

<p>No prob Asaunmom. He will get his in due time. Hoping for as positive of an outcome as your DHTR’s! So glad it was good news for you, those pick me ups are awesome when well timed!</p>

<p>Still not in the mail today. Did your daughter do the writing portion? I remember reading that if you did writing, it would take longer for the mailed scores to be sent.</p>

<p>vlines-she did NOT do the Writing section for the Sept. sitting. That could be the reason that we rec’d her scores so quickly. Fingers crossed for you!</p>

<p>Thanks asaunmom! Makes sense now! I thought you had to do the writing portion for UA? Dont tell my son if you don’t have to, I told him he did ! LOL</p>

<p>I’m not sure but she did the writing section the first 2 test sittings. She did well on the writing sections (10 & 11). Honestly, I didn’t want to pay the extra $$ for writing again.</p>

<p>Congratulations asaunmom. My D’s scores did not come yet and she did not do the writing.</p>

<p>I think that asaunmom had cosmic intervention that provided her with a positive lift for the week! :slight_smile:
I need to figure out if my son has to take the writing portion if he has to take the ACT again. I am hoping it is not an issue, but he is signed up for the October ACT, just in case this one does not hit Presedential level. And is taking SAT next week, possibly in November, too. Again depending on how he does.</p>

<p>Re: The writing score.</p>

<p>You need to email Scholarships and ask if they’ll accept the previous ACT’s Writing score, and still accept the ACT 32 without Writing for scholarships. I think that was ok last year, but get something in writing to protect yourself.</p>

<p>Include the scores…with W and without W.</p>


<p>Good idea M2. I’ll get in touch with UA next week. Heading to Illinois for wedding.

<p>It’s best just to get something in an email confirming the situation.</p>

<p>Here’s the response from Erin Hughes in Scholarships:</p>

<p>As long as you’ve taken the writing portion once, you’re just fine. We are concerned only with your highest composite score. The writing component is simply an admissions requirement.</p>