ACT Strategy

<p>I am taking the ACT this Saturday, October 22. This is my first time taking the test. I have already taken the SAT twice and only really am familiar with SAT tricks and strategies. I am not looking to do amazing on the ACT, especially with my lack of studying and preparation. I have a review book but am not taking any practice tests, just mostly small sections here and there. It is too late to start overworking myself. But does this sound like a good plan…do all questions in each section VERY slowly and carefully and automatically leave 10 questions blank (the ones I can’t do at the top of my head within 30 secs) and just put the letter C for all my guesses (C is the most common answer most likely) and that way I can get like 20-30 percent of my guesses correct? I really would like a 26-27 composite so does anyone have any strategies. Much appreciated, thanks! </p>

<p>PS: Does colleges only look at math and reading composities and disregard writing and science?</p>

<p>This is just the things that I do, so it might not work for you but anyways
For english, avoid passive and ing forms, check parallelism, and eliminate the answer choices if the grammar is wrong.
Math- know all the formulas tested, use calculator, dont make mistakes, and look at the questions carefully
Reading- avoid extreme answer choices, read the blurb, same answers, and irrelevent anwer choices
Science- look at the trends of the graphs,
I didn't do so good on the reading and science but I got 35 on math and I used to get 31s even when I knew all the formulas, so I think it really helps to read the questions carefully and avoid careless mistakes.</p>

<p>I think it depends on the college and your majors and things- like if you choose chemistry as your major, they will look at the science and math more.......But Im not that sure/........</p>

<p>Anyways, good luck on the ACT saturday.</p>

<p>This is not a good're wasting time and money taking the test when you're not at all prepared for it. Reschedule and do some full practice tests before you take it. Unless you're one of the few people who can just stroll in and kick butt without any prep, it's really not worth it. I learned that lesson the hard way on my first SAT!!</p>

<p>i'm in the exact same boat</p>

<p>i've taken the SAT twice</p>

<p>and this is my first time taking the ACT (this upcoming saturday)</p>

<p>i have not done much preparation other than the 3 ACT from the "Real" ACT prep guide (but that was in August that i took those tests).</p>

<p>so what are some quick tips to help me out for the ACT</p>

<p>I'm not sure if there's a direct correlation, but I read 4 books for the week before I took the June ACT, and my reading went from a 29 to a 35, so maybe practice reading to get a little faster. As for English, I got 24s on the school practice ones, but got a 32 the first real time. Besides remembering things like semicolons and such, I found looking for subject verb agreement makes things A LOT easier. It seemed like subject verb agreement usually eliminated a couple of choices. Good luck.</p>

<p>Reading and Science; you really have to be able to move effectively. Read the passage and try to be able to answer questions without looking back into the passage. And science, I guess read one experiment; answer the questions relevent to that one, and have a good sense of what's being tested and where certain data/relationships are.</p>

<p>these tests are totally different. C is not the most common answer. No, colleges do NOT disregard the rest of the test.</p>

<p>The science is really a speed-reading and graph interpretation contest, so you gotta move quickly. Indeed, read the questions first. Oftentimes you can answer the question by looking at the graph or table and not reading the intro to the "experiment."</p>

<p>For science you need to really break up your time into 5 min per section, read the passage like in a panicy way and then the question and then the graph. Same with english, read in a panicy alert way first and spend 8 min on each section. Panicing was the the only way I could keep awake, but didn't really last when i got to the essay.</p>

<p>Ok, i know absolutely nothing about the ACT other than there are 5 different sections: math, writing, reading, science and english and I am taking it tomorrow. So my questions are:</p>

<p>Are the same formulas that are on the math SAT being tested on the ACT?</p>

<p>How does the essay work. Am I supposed to write it in the same format as an SAT essay or is there some other trick to it?</p>

<p>Yes, try to stick to the same format as the SAT for the essay.
For math, take your time.</p>