<p>I've taken every online official practice test I could find as well as gotten a TON of prep material for a long time now. I consistently get 34-36 on the Math section without any effort!!! However, on the other sections, I can't even get passed 30 :(, I'm lucky to even get passed 27 :/. I have gotten on these forums and have followed every piece of advice that I've read for months! (practice tests, review wrong answers and why I get them wrong, reading scholarly articles, EVERYTHING!!!!!) But I can't retain ANY information that I learn. So here I am the night before the ACT about to cry because I can't get it no matter what I do :( Do you have any advice for me?!?!?!?! I am desperate.... :( Thanks.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, nobody replied on time I just took it and I must say, I thought I was doing okay!!! However, I did something REALLY stupid during the science section. I find that section pretty difficult! Seriously!!! There was one question I knew I got right (there weren’t many that I were confident on, this was one in a few), but I panicked and changed the one I got right to an obviously wrong answer even though I knew it was wrong!! And I know that each science question is very significant to your score, and I think I blew any chance for a halfway decent score :(. Since this was a state mandated ACT and my dad doesn’t want to pay for another this was my only chance
But I did the best I can
And I typically make silly mistakes and every section, which might hurt also. Does anybody have any advice??? I know I can’t change it but I’m just so bummed out right now. Thanks.</p>
<p>If you consistently get a 34-36 on your math section, then you will surely still have a high ACT score. High 20’s isn’t bad!! Also, colleges can see what you got in each section so even if you end up getting a 28 average they will see your impressive math score and take that into consideration. If you can’t take it again, you could always study hard for the SAT and do super well on that, since some colleges make it an option to send in either score, not necessarily both. Also, sometimes colleges only look at the combined reading and math scores for SATs and since your math seems so good, that would definitely bump that score up. Personally for me, I do way better on SAT because science always brings me down on the ACT. Best of luck getting your score back!!</p>