ACTUAL chances?

<p>Hi everybody,
I applied to the regular top schools this year (HYPS etc), here is my background: 2300+ SAT, 780+ SAT II's, 4.0 UW, considerable leadership and extra curriculars. And, of course, I'm Hispanic. Everyone keeps telling me admissions is guaranteed (even though I know this isn't the case) especially since I'm Hispanic. Opinions? I know this is probably an overdone subject, but what role would race potentially play in the admission of someone with my stats?</p>

<p>It truly is hard to know because there are so many factors. I have no doubt you will get into a great school. :-)</p>

<p>My son had similar stats plus a number of national level awards in math, physics and chess, lots of music, work, and leadership. He got into all 10 of his schools including two Ivies, MIT, Caltech, Mudd, Vandy, and some others.</p>

<p>His background may have also been an advantage. He was homeschooled and our family is very middle class from a not so great neighborhood in our large city.</p>

<p>Yes, after ‘Am I Hispanic?’, this is the most popular FAQ; read this and the thread linked to in post #2:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;