Admission Acknowledgement

<p>Hi guys, </p>

<p>So I've paid the $400 matriculation deposit (a day ago), but I still have not received an official mail saying that I am joining the university. How long does it usually take for them to send this? </p>

<p>Also is there a rule as to how much I should maintain my grades so that my offer still stands, or can I get any mark (besides failing)?</p>

<p>Takes anywhere from 2-4 business days, usually. You should plan to maintain the same level of grades you had when applying. If you have a “C” thrown in somewhere, you should be ok, but a “D” could tip the scale. It is up to their discretion, so why chance it.</p>

<p>@bboop42‌ Oh alright then. I’m asking because my previous semester marks were in the high 80’s yet I had a 77 in Calculus, so I’m worried that this will rescind my application. </p>

<p>I am assuming it is AP Calc, and a 77 would be a C+ ?</p>

<p>No since I’m in a Canadian curriculum, a 77 is a B+, and it’s not AP Calc, it’s Calculus and Vectors (again, Canadian curriculum)</p>

<p>I think you should be fine…just finish the year as strong as possible. Congrats on your acceptance, enjoy VT it is a great place.</p>

<p>i submitted my deposit about 10 days ago and I still haven’t heard anything back… does anyone know why? </p>

<p>call admissions</p>

<p>I don’t think I heard anything back from admissions when I accepted my offer. If you can make your PID then you’re good. </p>

<p>@paul415‌ Did you contact admissions and find out?</p>

<p>@VaCollegeGirl‌ How long after you accepted your offer did you create your PID?</p>

<p>@priyanka8 what do you mean find out? I already created my PID it just seems odd that I didn’t get an email or anything saying “welcome” or something like that. </p>

<p>I couldn’t make one until about three days later when my deposit was processed. Have you tried making yours yet? I think Paul is right about not getting a welcome notification. </p>

<p>@VaCollegeGirl‌ I’ve tried and it says that my student ID doesn’t even exist, so I’m confused as to how much more longer I should wait for…</p>

<p>I wouldn’t wait any longer then. Just call and tell them the situation. There might have been a problem with your deposit being processed. </p>

<p>@VaCollegeGirl‌ How did you pay your deposit though? I’m an international student so I had to pay by peerTransfer, and when I contacted admissions, they said I should try creating my PID after May 1st, but I’m also worried that they won’t receive my deposit until afterwards.</p>

<p>I paid online and I’m not familiar with peerTransfer. I don’t think it will take that long got them to receive and process your payment though. I know it’s tense having to wait but that seems to be the only option. Wait until early May rolls around and try again. Good luck! :slight_smile: </p>