Newly Accepted- Have some questions

<p>Hey everyone I have some questions about Tech. I'm worried about some stuff and just want some clarification. I'm trying to avoid info I can find in other place this site.</p>

<p>When I first submitted my application I said I wanted to major in Marketing. Well, now I want to major in Chemistry. Will this be a problem? Since they accepted me based on my previous major. I have emailed them, but should I pay the deposit before they change it?</p>

<p>For my semester grades I got 3 C's and 2 B's. If I don't improve will my application be revoked? On my report card it says my current year GPA is 3.2 while cumulative is 3.79. Also me SAT was 740, 630, 700. If thats helps.</p>

<p>Someone please help me out here.</p>

<p>I can’t help you on the transfer. Others have said it is very do-able but I don’t know for sure.</p>

<p>I don’t think drop in your grades is so much that they would rescind your acceptance, although it might affect merit aid. Is there a reason for the drop? If there’s been a death in the family, a health issue, etc. you could talk to your guidance counsellor and have him/her contact VT and explain what’s going on. Regardless, work on pulling them back up for the end of year and submission of your final grades.</p>

thanks, its not due to anything serious, mostly laziness, i will definitely be able to finish this year with a B average</p>