Transfer from VCCS to college of engineering

<p>Hey folks,</p>

<p>My name is Eric and I applied to the college of engineering. I have been awaiting a reply from tech with much anxiety and suspense. No mail has came, but yesterday I got sent an email from the a certain person that said "congrats on your accptance...." and "If you choose to accept our offer...". It also contained info about engineering classes and what I need to take once I get to Tech. I about jumped out of my seat in joy, but I realized it was just an email. Do you guys know anything about these emails? Does it mean im accepted? </p>

<p>Thanks guys,</p>


<p>I'm pretty sure you're in! Congrats!</p>

<p>yea, but i emailed back the worker who sent it to me and she said " those were sent to applicants" - she was very vague though. I dont think that would be right to send things like that to ppl who werent accepted. It was going through the whole process of what to do next and congratulating me....i was happy and now im sad haha.</p>

<p>Anyway, im still awaiting my decision from uva as well...i hope i get in both!</p>

<p>"congrats" I doubt that VT office of admission would use such terms. Offers of acceptance are more substantive that and they also inform you that a follow up with snail mail is coming...and , of course, give us the $400.00 bucks</p>

<p>I would say your in. If you want a real response call the admissions office, but i agree, there is no way they would say "Congrats..." to every applicant.</p>


<p>i called them, they said "yea, those were rolling emails?" and I asked, "so because I got one, it doesnt mean im accepted?" She said, "thats right." But im still not completely convinced because:</p>

<p>1) You just shouldnt do these evil acts to people</p>

<p>2) usual engineering transfer student total is around 180...and thats roughly how many were on the email.</p>

<p>3) heres the opening sentence:"Congratulations on your offer of admission to the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech! We look forward to working with you over the next several semesters as you reach your goal of obtaining a bachelor’s degree in engineering." and another quote, "As you consider whether you’re accepting your offer of admission, it will help you to understand a bit about our course sequencing. To expedite your time here at Tech, I recommend that if you do not already have credit for our freshmen-level engineering fundamentals courses..."</p>

<p>I mean....duuudde.</p>

<p>It's a "likely email".</p>

<p>any other Tech transfers out there?</p>

<p>Got the letter in the mail today:</p>

<p>IM IN!!!!</p>

<p>Man, I droped out oof highschool and now im accepted into VT's engineering school. wow - what happened?!</p>

<p>Congratulations Ercmilla-way to go!</p>

<p>Well done!</p>