Admission decision terminology meaning

Hi all,
My purdue university undergraduate application says that your application has been cancelled or withdrawn. I was wondering if this means I’m rejected since I did not withdraw my app and they have all my documents so I don’t know why they would cancel my app. The decision also said to contact them if the above stated decision is incorrect. Please help, I’m really scared since purdue was my primary uni.

Sounds like you need to contact them?

Thanks for the reply. I did contact them, just today. But I’m guessing they’ll take some time to reply since they get lots of emails so I wanted to ask if someone knew what exactly their decision means, more specifically, if it possibly means I’m rejected.

That doesn’t sound like rejection terminology to me - sounds like they think that you have decided not to apply (have withdrawn your application) which obviously is a mistake. I suggest calling them if you don’t get a quick email reply.

I would investigate this with a phone call not an email. You want to fix this asap if it is a mistake on their part.

I’ve tried calling them before multiple times, but the lines always busy. :frowning:

Perhaps there were documents needed that weren’t submitted, so they figured you were ‘withdrawing’ your application because it was incomplete?


All the documents were marked as received on the admissions portal.

I would do two things…
—While you are in school stop by your guidance counselors to see if he/she can make a call to help address this.
—Call the admissions dept. as soon as you can. When you call have any ID number that they gave you (if there was one) handy to help them find your file.

Definitely call. I’ve always gotten right through to an actual person. Keep trying. The suggestion of having your guidance counselor help you is a good one.