Admission decisions as of now

<p>I would like to make a thread for students to look at to see whos being accepted/defered/denied. If you have herd back from UW madison about your admissions decision please post here : the final decision, G.P.A (preferably unweighted), Class rank, Standardized test scores, extracurriculars, State that you live in, and any other factors that may have swayed your admission decision.</p>

<p>PLEASE NOTE: If at all possible i would appreciate if people would stay on topic of just posting the stats and your admission decision to make it easier for kids/parents to get a feel of how things are looking for them. </p>

<p>Thanks in advanced for all of the imput, good luck to everyone applying.</p>

<p>I guess I will start:</p>

GPA 3.7 Unweighted
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank
Standardize Test Scores: 1330/1910</p>

Varsity Basketball, Soccer, and Track
President of French Club
Link Crew( Freshman orientation group)
United States Soccer Federation Referee (Since 8th grade)
Private Goalkeeper Trainer</p>

<p>State: NJ</p>

<p>I have taken 8 AP classes (including senior year) and rest honors.</p>

<p>Accepted and attending.
Minnesota resident.
3.73 UW GPA, 30 ACT
top 20% in a class of around 450</p>

<p>Varsity soccer, summer league state champion for soccer, DECA nationals qualifier, job at the YMCA, good recs, essays expressed that Madison was my top choice. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My son’s stats: Accepted and will be attending:</p>

<pre><code>ACT: 32
GPA: 4.0 UW
Class rank: 10/550
Taken 7 AP classes and lots of honor classes
EC’s: varsity tennis four years, science bowl two years placed 5th out of 43 teams, Council member of Oakgrove council, Vice President Heal the Bay club, member of other clubs in school,
State: California

GPA 3.82 Unweighted
Class Rank: School doesn’t rank
Standardize Test Scores: 2010</p>

Varsity Track
VP &Co founder Chemistry
lots of culture clubs</p>

<p>2AP 5 and 3 AP 4
This year 2APs with all other honors</p>

<p>State:MD but international</p>

<p>When I was accepted last year:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8
ACT: 32
Rank: 20 something? (out of 500/600 something)</p>

Jazz Band
Piano Lessons
Church Stuff</p>

<p>3 AP’s (scored a 5, 4, and didn’t take)</p>

<p>From Wisconsin</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
ACT: 30
Rank: 1 (4.0 is the highest at my school)</p>

Jazz Band
VA Hospital Volunteer</p>

<p>Taking AP classes senior year.</p>

<p>From Madison!</p>

<p>they had all my materials on october 17th.
decision: postponed (engineering)
gpa: 3.1 uw, 4.0 W
rank: 68/519 (top 13%)
sat: 2040
act: 31
sat 2: 800 math II
out of state from CT
EC: math team (captain), mock trial (head witness), jewish organization (treasurer), tutor</p>


Admissions Counselor:David O’Connor
Materials received October 5th</p>

<p>3.884 UW GPA
Top 12% of class
28 ACT </p>

<p>Very involved in ECs and volunteering</p>

<p>GO BADGERS!!! (:</p>


<p>Minnesotan Resident
applied oct. 28
3.92 unweighted G.P.A
28 ACT
top 10% of my class</p>

<p>involved in many EC’s</p>

<p>Do they send you an email first when your decision is ready, or did you guys just keep checking and finally found that it was updated?</p>

<p>They send you an email first to tell you a decision has been made, then you check your account for the decision.</p>

30 Act
3.85 gpa
oos - va
Great ECs and LORs and decent essays</p>

<p>question: I’m almost positive uw is where I want to enroll but I’m thinking about applying to one more school RD. will waiting hurt my chances of getting my preferred residence hall?</p>

<p>Res Halls has no idea of where else you apply. btw- there will be a May computer lottery to determine who gets their first et al choice of dorm, regardless of when you are accepted/sign the Res Halls contract. Once you commit to Res Halls you can get out of your contract and deposit if you do not attend UW and notify them (as well as UW) in writing by the May deadline.</p>

Out of state
UW GPA: 3.9
Class rank:2%
lots of extra curricular and volunteer
Great recommendation letters
Okay essays</p>

<p>Accepted from Massachusetts! </p>

<p>Varsity volleyball 2 yrs
Mock trial 3 yrs
Theater 4 yrs
A cappella 1 yr
German school for 12 yrs
German national honors society 3 yrs
NHS 1 yr
2 international community service projects in france
Fluent in german and English</p>

<p>3.65 UW, 4.2 W
30 ACT
Apush (5)
Ap German test - no class (5)
This year: 3 ap (calc AB, French, European history), 3 honors</p>

<p>Congrats fellow admitted students!! And good luck to those who haven’t heard yet!</p>

<p>From Texas<br>
Daughter- Accepted
GPA- 3.83
Class Rank- Top 7% (out of 767)
ACT - 31
SAT - 1980
AP- 5 classes
EC’s - 4 years dance/drill team, 2 years NHS, 2 years Math HS, 1 year Science HS,
competitive studio dance 4 years, FCA 1 year, lots of community service hours</p>

<p>(my D’s stats)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted - </p>

•SAT (Breakdown + Combined): 580CR, 660M, 620 W (1860)
•SAT IIs (if any): 680 Chem, 640 USH
•Unweighted GPA: 3.89
•Weighted GPA: ~4.35
•Rank (if applicable): 20/650
•Other stats: 27on ACT</p>

•Essays: Very good - creavite writing, Detailed programs of interest at Wisconsin
•ECs: Really involved with xcountry and track (captain for both), Invisible Children leadership stuff and lots of community service with Girls Inc.
•Teacher Recs: Really good, I think
•Counselor Rec: Not sure
•Hook (if any): Possibly American Indian (w/card)</p>

•State or Country: California
•School Type: Public
•Ethnicity: White
•Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other Factors: Lots of AP/Honors classes including a strong senior year load of 5 AP/IB and one Honors class
General Comments: Also accepted to U. of Michigan, waiting for UC results</p>

<p>Postponed last night.
Applied Sept. 15</p>

<p>3.8 GPA
25 ACT
Rank: 2 of 35 in my class.
Great essays, and 2 wonderful LOR.
3 AP classes ( all that my small HS offers)
Very involved in school activities: NHS secretary, VP of Student Council, Senior Member of TORPEDOS(student volunteer group), Yearbook Head Editor, etc.
Dancer for 15 years, dance instructor for 4.
Many other volunteer projects.</p>

<p>does anyone know the likelihood of being admitted after being postponed?

<p>Hi, I don’t know your interests, but a girl I know from a neighboring high school had similar stats, and applied for the dance program, as well as her intended major. I don’t know the details, but the dance program is separate and not major, (more of an EC) and she had to audition. She’s convinced that her dance audition got her into the university, where her test scores may have held her back somewhat. She was accepted with a lower ACT and GPA than several other rejections in her same high school. Dance became her “hook”.</p>

<p>If you haven’t considered it, maybe look into getting involved in the dance program. Just a thought…</p>