Admission non-engineering and other questions

<p>Im currently a junior looking to apply early decision next year, but I have a few questions</p>

<li>Is it significantly easy to get in ED not being an engineering major? The rep who visited my high school made it sound like they were trying to let in a lot of students to liberal arts majors to help balance the school, is this true?</li>
<li>Is it easier to get in if applying as a cadet? Also, is it possible to switch out of cadets if you don't like it? A friend of mine had a brother who applied as a cadet and got it, but then switched out very quickly his freshman year. He claims that he wouldn't of gotten in if he didn't apply as a cadet, whats the truth behind this?</li>
<li>What are my chances?
White male, north carolina, competitive public high school, mostly Bs, few As, few Cs, 2 Ds. Weighted GPA ~~3.50, SAT 1540 (planning on retaking, aiming for 1800ish)</li>

<p>thanks so much</p>