Admission Requirements

<p>I was looking over the admission requirements for UA, and notice that they require 4 years of social science. Does anyone know if this is a strict requirement? Son has taken 3 years, 2 of those AP level, and the only other courses available to him are non-AP/non-honors classes. Thanks for any insight!</p>

<p>I don’t think Bama is strict on that because some states don’t require 4 years. </p>

<p>What is the run down of your son’s schedule?</p>

<p>Years of…
math (which ones)
science (which ones)
social science (which ones)
fine arts
foreign language</p>

<p>and what else has he taken?</p>

<p>There may be a class that Bama considers as social science.</p>

<p>For social science…my kids took
World History
AP Euro
AP Gov.</p>

<p>Someone said that Bama also accepts econ or something else for social science. Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.</p>

<p>Eng 4 (2 AP)
Math (Alg 1/2, geo, pre-calc, BC calc, Lin Alg- taking Calc 3 and Diff eq this year)
Science (Honors bio, honors chem, ap physics B) No other AP’s running
Fine Arts- 2 semesters of guitar
PE- 2 sem of PE, 2 sem of Health
Computer- keyboarding, Comp Science A as freshman, data structures as soph, gaming as junior- nothing else offered)
Lang- (4 years spanish- wishy washy on AP spa this year)</p>

<p>He is going to take econ at community college this year, since he wants to focus on computer science at university, but wants econ in his background. </p>

<p>He may have enough credits for AS in Math by end of senior year. If he chooses to “accept” it, would that mess up his freshman status at AU? </p>

<p>Thanks so much for responding. I really appreciate your feedback.</p>

<p>Oh, for social studies- Gov’t/ AP US hist/AP world- no other AP offered.</p>

<p>He is going to take econ at community college this year</p>

<p>I hope Sea_Tide weighs in here…I think Bama will count that econ class as his 4th year of SS.</p>

<p>Either way…I don’t think it’s a problem.</p>

<p>Thank you again.</p>

<p>We are OOS and only 3 are required in our state too. D was admitted on scholarship, so I don’t think it is a problem. At least I hope not HA! HA!!</p>

<p>Thanks Nicollec…did she take econ, or something else that could pose as a social science?</p>


<p>What scholarship is your son eligible for?</p>

<p>What is his major and what are his stats?</p>

Computer Science will be his major
He is 1/376 in class
GPA is 4.57
is going to take SAT again, is a few points below presidential, and he is taking the ACT, which he may do better on.
will apply to honors/university fellows programs. </p>

<p>So I am not sure what else he is eligible for other than presidential.</p>

<p>Nope, just AP US history, AP Gov, and AP Euro History and AP World History, actually only 2.5 years I think.</p>

<p>That would be 4 years here. Maybe that is why they did not question?</p>

<p>I think your son already qualifies for Free tuition because he’s in the College of Engineering if he’s just under Presidential…look below.</p>

<p>College of Engineering…</p>

<p>Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition. In addition, they will receive $2,500 per year for four years.</p>

<p>So, does it now look like he’d get free tuition AND 2500 per year?</p>

<p>But, he should test again if he’s considering Fellows …or Computer Based Honors. Is he considering CBH, too???</p>

<p>Yes, He is looking at CBH too. He needs to test again. And the extra 2,500 is nice to offset some of the housing/books!</p>

<p>So, does he now qualify for the above-listed scholarship?</p>

<p>My state only offers 3 years of social studies and while I took both introductory economics courses at a community college, I was led to believe that I would be fine as long as I took as many years as my high school offered. You will not be penalized for not taking something that your high school does not offer.</p>

<p>UA is VERY generous with dual enrollment credit and will still admit students as freshmen as long as they didn’t attend another college after graduating from high school (the summer between hs graduation and starting UA is exempt from this rule). I graduated high school 2 courses away from getting an associate’s in business. I was admitted to UA as a freshman, didn’t have to provide college transcripts until I decided to attend UA, and ended up with over two years’ worth of college credit as UA was more generous in granting credit for AP and CLEP exams than the community colleges in my state. Because of transfer credit, I am able to triple major and earn a master’s degree in 4 years, all tuition being covered by my [Presidential] scholarship.</p>

<p>What I suggest at the moment is for your son to retake the ACT and/or SAT and visit campus sometime this fall (if possible).</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>SEA<em>tide, thank you so much, that makes me feel better! The statement on the website says a senior in HS OR has taken less than 9 college credits. I was hoping that the “or” really meant “or”!! I have sent an email to UA admissions to ask about it too. I am also thrilled to hear about the masters in 4 years under your presidential scholarship. I believe that he already qualifies for the presidential scholarship under the engineering requirements, but have to double check the numbers.
He is definately going to retake the SAT, his score for the first one last winter was just over 1900, without any prep/studying. He has not taken the ACT since he was in 7th grade. So he is going to take that twice this fall too. And he is going to put in a little effort before taking both tests (or I will kill him, LOL). He did terribly on the two subject tests he took in June, and I think he finally realized that a little prep is in order! A visit is a tough thing, we live in Maryland. I may see if there are any trains that get us there, or see what flights are like through Southwest to make a visit.
SEA</em>tide- are you in any of the honors coleges? Do you see that as a benefit?
thanks again to everyone that has responded, this info is very helpful. My husband was reading info on College *******, and has reservations, but when I look on that site, I see things that are completely wrong based on the written material on the website. So I am not sure how much stock to put in that site. One of his concerns is greek life, and whether or not students that do not want to get involved in greek life feel left out at all. </p>

<p>THanks again!</p>

<p>We don’t have any personal experience to share, but based on research can share our plan:</p>

<p>We have 3 daughters who all plan on attending UA; Mother/wife graduated UA in 88 and did not go Greek.</p>

<p>None of our 3 plan on going Greek. Have heard a lot of pros for going Greek, and past/present Greeks have no reservations, but have also had conversations with current and past students who did not go Greek, and they have no regrets either (to include my wife). Just a personal preference – with no ramifications (unless of course you want to have Greek sponsorship for student government, etc.)</p>

<p>We are waiting on acceptance of our oldest (rising senior in HS) – and as soon as accepted we plan on applying for University Honors Program. We visited the Honors College and were very happy with the visit. Provides for a small college feel within a large state university.</p>

<p>My D does not want the added burden of research, so while her stats may be competitive, does not want to apply for CBHP or IHP. Just being in the honors program (as I understand it) will add perks such as small classes, early registration without lines, honors listed on diploma, etc.</p>

<p>Again, we are just going into this, but this is our plan.</p>

<p>Yes, Sea_Tide is in the Honors College…I won’t speak much more for him :slight_smile: but I would say that he thinks that there is a real benefit to belonging. He can speak more himself on that subject. :)</p>

<p>He is definately going to retake the SAT, his score for the first one last winter was just over 1900, without any prep/studying. He has not taken the ACT since he was in 7th grade. So he is going to take that twice this fall too. And he is going to put in a little effort before taking both tests (or I will kill him, LOL)</p>

<p>For the ACT, Bama accepts the Sept and October tests for scholarships for seniors (or any earlier tests), so sign up now for those two. </p>

<p>Bama accepts the Oct and Nov SAT for seniors (or earlier tests) for scholarships.</p>

<p>Make sure he does do the practice tests…and reviews the SR section of the ACT. That trips a lot of kids…and lots of points are lost there…but with practice, kids can usually bring that section way up.</p>

<p>Bama doesn’t superscore.</p>

<p>Kids do not feel left out if they don’t go Greek. My boys did not pledge (don’t really have the time to do so). Older son just graduated from Bama and younger son is a rising junior at Bama.</p>

<p>Most boys at Bama do not pledge. I do recommend that since he doesn’t want to join a frat that he should dorm on the north side of campus. The dorms on the south side of campus will have more Greeks in them simply because those dorms are closer to the Greek houses.</p>

<p>The north side is where the Honors dorms are.</p>

<p>Mom2collegekids, again, thanks for your indepth response and advice. My son will want to learn more about the computer science program at UA, is there a good way to do that? There is limited info on the website for CS.</p>