Admission Rescinded...

<p>How many C's does it take to get your admissions rescinded? I might get one C and rest A's... will that be a problem? Just curious...</p>

<p>I don't want to offend anyone really... It's just a question nagging in the back of my mind. </p>

<p>I hate Calc BC... I don't even know why I took it... I was hoping for EA admissions so I didn't have to send in my mid year report, but now that I got in somehow, I'm worried they'd see that and rescind me...</p>

<p>Were you admitted to Yale?</p>

<p>do you have to send a mid-year report if you got accepted early?</p>

<p>I know of one student who got rescinded from Yale EA for getting two Cs. I don’t know the effect of one C, but it can’t be good. I recommend you start getting your explanations ready in case Yale starts asking questions.</p>

<p>Yes, I got in EA. I “might” have one C and all A’s at the end of first semester… nothing is definite. If that hypothetical scenario should happen, what then???</p>

<p>one C would be iffy… but i don’t think it’ll cause your admission to get rescinded… just hope that you can get it to a B, but if it comes out to be a C, then just have a good explanation for it</p>

<p>Gryffon5147, what are your stats? Congrats on your acceptance.</p>

<p>gryffon, i’m nervous as well. though my grades aren’t bad so far, i can’t help but feeling nervous about not doing well enough and having my acceptance revoked…</p>

<p>my calc (ab) teacher scared me today when i told him about my acceptance, he said that if he caught me slacking he would write a letter to yale saying i don’t deserve to be there. SCARY. not that i would purposely try to do bad, i guess it was good he warned me, but still… SHEESH</p>

I’m sure if he did that, you could go to the administration and fire his ass.</p>

<p>yeah, if your calc ab teacher threatens to do that later, get all over him about it; he doesn’t have the right to prevent you from going to one of the best schools in the country</p>

<p>In past years, there have been people who posted here that they got a C and Yale sent them a warning email basically saying “when we admitted you, we said you had to keep up your academic performance, and it looks like you might not be. Is there a reason for this?”</p>

<p>But I don’t recall anyone coming back after that to say they got rescinded, although maybe they wouldn’t come tell everyone that anyway.</p>

<p>If you did a search you could maybe see if any of them still post and find out what worked for them.</p>

<p>A “C” in BC calc won’t do it according to the counselor at son’s school. Do you need to send the midyear report? Cuz if you don’t, you have all year to still bring it up to a B.</p>



<p>Well, by all means keep your grades up. Just keep doing whatever got you this far. But don’t worry excessively; having gone to trouble of admitting you, the school is not lookng for reasons to get rid of you. They want to keep you. Just don’t provide them any reasons to question their intitial judgment about you.</p>

<p>grc061390, YES, you do have to send your mid-term grades if you are admitted early! And all students have to send their end-of-the-year grades to the school they ultimately attend! Even at that stage admission can be rescinded. Senioritus is a highly contagious disease you can’t afford to catch.</p>

<p>Gryffon, if you get a C I’m quite sure you will get a letter from Yale expressing their concern that you aren’t showing the same academic qualities and asking you for an explanation. Obviously, you want to do everything possible now to get that grade up and avoid getting the letter. Get a tutor if possible, get a friend to help you, talk to your teacher, get books such as “How to Ace the Rest of Calculus” etc. Be prepared to explain to Yale what you are doing to improve the situation in case you can’t get things turned around in time. </p>

<p>The teachers at our school are here 45 minutes before classes start and are great about working with students who need help. I bet yours will be willing to work with you or will have some suggestions on what you could do.</p>

<p>Also, if you’re tempted to drop BC Calc for the rest of year remember that you have to get prior approval from Yale for any changes in your schedule. As someone who has battled with calculus also, good luck to you as you work hard to conquer it! Let us know how things are going.</p>

<p>Senioritis is totally kicking in for me right now, and I’m pretty close to a C in Physics and a B in Math. I am determined to get that up!</p>

<p>What about a ratio of Bs to As?</p>

<p>About dropping classes after you’ve been accepted:
A year ago my D, who had been accepted EA to Yale, wanted to drop AP Physics at semester. She had an A, but was looking forward to her last few months of high school, and like many of you, wanted to relax and enjoy things a little more.<br>
She contacted Yale and asked if it would be OK to drop Physics and add Ceramics. She got back a very humorous and positive response to this question. They truly didn’t care if she took second semester AP physics, and requested that she please enjoy her last semester of high school. They did ask that she bring a pot to Bulldog Days, however.</p>

<p>That said, Ceramics turned out to be kind of humiliating because it turns out that she’s better at physics than throwing pots, but my point is, if you’ve been accepted and are considering changing your spring schedule for any reason (even because you want to slack a bit) go ahead and ask. If you’ve been admitted, you have nothing left to prove to Yale, just don’t BLOW it!</p>

<p>^^^^ roflol</p>

<p>let me just say this: I wish i had your problem.</p>