Admission stats for transfers from 4 yr Va colleges to VT?

<p>D got into both VT and UVA 2 years ago and chose UVA. She now realizes she made a mistake and has applied to transfer to VT for next fall. I was able to find the stat that 52% of Va college students who applied were accepted but it said that most were transfers from Va. Community Colleges. Does anyone know if VT gives more weight to students from 4 yr schools? Does it matter which school? Would a 3.1 from UVA count as much as a 3.5 (or whatever) from JMU, or GM, ODU etc? I would hope that if a 3.4 from a CC guarantees you admission, that a 3.1 from a school like UVA would too. </p>

<p>I imagine a GPA from any college is weighted equally. Why wouldn’t it be? </p>

<p>they only guaranteed community college/richard bland transfers. so a student from a 4 year school can be competitive for admission, just not guaranteed. the website says transfers with over a 3.0 and the right coursework are competitive.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Because of differences between colleges in average grades due to grade inflation (or last thereof). Also, different colleges have very different difficulties. </p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what was it that she didn’t enjoy at UVA? Was she more into engineering?</p>

<p>@Rather- It has nothing to do with eng. She simply has very few things she likes about the school and many more that she hates (and the things she hates are much more important items to her than the few things she does like). </p>

<p>She loves C’ville; loves the architecture; loves the beauty of the campus; loves the schools academic reputation. However, other than those items there is nothing that she likes. One of her main complaints is that it is too competitive in non academic endeavors. She has been turned down for everything she has ever tried to do including sororities, acapella groups, student government positions, honor fraternities, even volunteering (there are many volunteer positions that you have to apply for and which are either extremely competitive or get filled so quickly that only a few lucky first responders get chosen). Everyone is a superstar there and competition is extremely high for every little thing a student tries to do. </p>

<p>Another complaint is the student body. She has had a lot of trouble finding close friends because if you don’t fit a certain stereotype the odds of running into someone like yourself and having a chance to interact enough to get to know them are restricted. </p>

<p>Her final issue is the academics. Like most kids, she didn’t know what she wanted to do when she went there. Now that she has to pick a major her options are pretty limited. Any student who isn’t at the very top of the school academically has absolutely no chance of transferring into one of the colleges like Engineering, Commerce, Leadership and Public Policy, Education, Nursing, etc. </p>

<p>I am transferring from a 4 year and was accepted. I had a 3.5 before last semester, which dropped it to a 3.2 by the time I applied. The biggest thing they take into consideration, as far as I can tell, is that you have done the coursework required for your major and that credits transfer. I will have nearly 60 when I go in as a Junior and will likely graduate at my intended original time. She should have no problem getting in as!</p>