Admissions Chances

I am applying to UW Madison from South Florida with the following stats:
GPA- 3.67(unweighted)…4.6(weighted)
ACT- 27
15 AP Classes…most other classes are honors
Extracurriculars- founder of a charity that has raised 200,000 dollars, incubating student aid website, NHS, National Business Honors Society, 2 year international Deca champion 3 year state winner, Vice President of JSA club, 110 community service hours.
I really love UW Madison it is definitely my top choice! Please let me know what you think my chances are!

Can you retake the ACT? The middle 50 percentile range of admitted students is 27-31.

The honors/AP and ECs are good.

If you are admitted, can your family pay the $45k annual cost?

I just took the october ACT and was expecting to get around a 28. Cost is not an issue. Do you think my chances are high with my current statistics? How is my Gpa?

Your chance isn’t high; in my opinion it’s average. Fortunately, more out-of-state students will be accepted than in past years.

thank you for the input! Hopefully my Gpa,class rigor, and extracurriculars will outweigh my ACT score. Thanks

Agree that you are in that vast middle pool of applicants.

@wis75 how would my chances increase if I got a 28 or 29 on my last ACT? Is the difference that great? I am highly confident that I will receive at least a 28.

don’t know.

@Madison85 any idea?

It can’t hurt.

@Madison85 @wis75 does UW Madison look at individual categories on the ACT or composite scores. On my test as I said earlier that I got a 27. But my 27 is with a 30 in English, a 19 in Math, a 34 in Reading, and a 25 in Science. Will my ACT be looked as lower than an applicant with the same composite score but with a more even distribution in the different sections?

does UW Madison look at individual categories on the ACT or composite scores?*******

@nate9599 19 in Math is low. All else is good. Don’t know what ur intended major is but if EGR I’d be worried.

@College2B I want to be an International Studies major in LSA. Do you think I will be able to gain admission?

I do well in academic math but I struggle on standardize tests. I take AP Calc in school and do well in the class.

Is “LSA” L&S? Your proposed major doesn’t matter, it is useful for advising purposes only. Everyone gets admitted to the university as a whole. fwiw- doing well means an A to me, okay is a B to me.

I really don’t know if UW looks at composite only or considers individual scores. Did you try the ACT more than once? How do you do on AP exams? (3 or better)?

@Madison85 yes, I have passed all of my AP exams. Will that come into consideration? I’m am no longer able to retake the ACT as I have already applied.

@wis75 sorry for the confusion, I meant to say LS. I have recieved a pretty much even mixture of A’s and B’s in my math classes so in between of Ok and Good. Do you think UW will consider my composite score or sectional scores?

Is that a rule for UW that you can’t retake the ACT and submit a new score if you have already applied? Because I’ve never heard that before and I thought it wasn’t uncommon to retake after having applied.
