Admissions Chances

Hi everyone! I am an aspiring UW-Madison Badger, and I’m applying Early Action this year to hopefully enroll in the Fall of 2021. I was hoping I could have some help with my admission chances. Here are some of my stats:
-4.3 weighted GPA/3.7 unweighted (average, but hugeeee improvement from freshman year of highschool)
-No ACT/SAT score (COVID in our area is really bad, didn’t get a chance to take either)
-Really good essays + supplementals (unique topics as well, hopefully that helps)
-3 good letters of rec
-7 extracurriculars, 2 being leadership positions (band, robotics)
-11 AP courses throughout highschool (all test scores being at least 3s, most being 4/5s though)
-2 generation legacy (not sure if that does anything)
-Out of state
-Majoring in political science (College of Letters and Science)
I really hope to attend UW-Madison. I adore the campus so much. I would really appreciate some help with if my major is competitive and if I have a chance of getting in. Thank you so much!

great gpa - not sure how they will manage review without test scores - possibly take longer to decide on those as some rolling admissions schools seem to be taking longer to get back to those applicants, major is a competitive one but again, GPA and rigor look like a perfect WISCO fit.

good luck

3 letter of rec are too many. UW Madison asks for 1, you better stick with one, choose the best one. Show that you follow instruction. I heard even 2 is too many for them.

EA Decision maybe Deferred.
OOS, UW GPA below 3.8, UW stops looking at legacy for admission purpose, if people have doubts, feel free to call admission office and check.

PoliSci may be less competitive to get in, best of luck.

Thank you so much for your help!

Deleted - sorry - starting a separate thread