Admissions Class of 2022

I just thought we’d start sharing our stats as we anticipate decisions.

GPA: 3.7 UW
SAT: 1360
Major: Accounting

I’ve gotten into Temple, Delaware, and Pitt as of now. What about you guys? Any idea of when decisions will be released?

I’m an international student

SAT: 1440 (single-sitting). Will they take this into account?

Major: Educational Studies
GPA: Top 10% My highschool is one of the best in my country. Most demanding coursework (13 subjects for all school year)
Ethnicity: Asian (Southeast asia region)
Stellar recs
Gold Medal in Regional Olympiad and other school-level awards
Founded a club (first ever of its kind in my country) and an online campaign, leadership position in several clubs and non-profit organizations

I am still waiting for decision from other schools. My ultimate reach school is UW-Madison so I really hope that I get in.

GPA: 3.5
SAT: 1370
Major: Psychology

GPA: 3.65
SAT: 1350
Top 25% of class
Major: Kinesiology

UW GPA: 3.98; W GPA 4.2
ACT: 30
Rank: 2/312
Major: Nursing

Look at the UW admissions site for their stats for admissions. Middle 50% , higher lower. Then you can do as we do to give yourself your chances.

UW GPA: 3.58 (many Honors and AP courses)
ACT: 31
Major: 1. Comp eng (CSE) 2. Comp sci (CLS)

We know its a reach for CSE for S, do you see any slim chances of getting in CLS? UW is his favorite one and his essay on Why UW was very good, hoping they will read it through.

All students get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of school/college desired. Most freshmen (and students overall) are in L&S. Both Business and Engineering currently have direct admit options (see their websites for details) but all are in the same general admission pool. You either get into UW or not. If admitted and you choose some fields there may be a direct admission or another application after meeting requirements may be required (education, nursing…).

UW used to do no direct admissions to business or engineering but currently offer this option. This does not mean a student can’t transfer from L&S to ENG et al while at UW. Check the UW website for the most accurate info. Ask the department of interest your questions in an email.

He will need to decide which computer science field he wants- CS or being an engineer in CS. Different fields and not all students desire one or the other (my son had CS as a second major to his honors math one).

Thank you @wis75 ! Would you say he has very little chances then for getting into Madison?

Our son applied early and has the following “stats”:

Anticipated major: Mechanical Engineering
UW GPA (school doesn’t weight or rank kids): 3.95
No APs offered, but there is an IB diploma program that he will complete. He is taking/has taken: Spanish SL, Math SL, Chem HL, Physics HL, English HL, History HL

SAT: 1550 (780 Math, 770 English)
ACT: 34 (36 Reading, 36 English, 35 Math, 33 Science)

Extracurriculars: Athletics (varsity and captain), Scouts (Eagle), volunteer work, school club (founding member and president), part-time job.

3.73 GPA
32 ACT
3 season athlete

When do decisions come out?

3.95 UW GPA
30 ACT
4 year varsity athlete
anyone as anxious as I am to hear back?

@tikitiki1 Your GPA is amazing. Are most people reporting an unweighted GPA with gym and electives included or is it stripped down to core classes like english, math, science, language and history?

Everyone. “Chances” given on CC really do not matter. Each student is either accepted or rejected. All of you can go to the same source posters here do- the UW admissions website. You can compare your stats to the middle 50% and make the same predictions. Never a guarantee but low chances for the low quartile, high for the top 1/4th. Of course most are in that vast middle pool, especially when you have both unweighted gpa and test scores from a single sitting.

Very high test scores but lower gpa may mean poor study habits. High gpa with midrange test scores may indicate a hard worker who will succeed at UW. Then throw in the EC’s or lack of any. Plus course rigor. And some did poorly the first year (or two) and are doing super as juniors forward. No wonder they pay people to make admissions decisions. Remember ALL applicants are in the same pool- it does not matter which major you choose. Forget about athletes, btw- a whole rant… can be done regarding that.

So- I would definitely tell a person with a lower 20’s ACT and 3.0 average their chances are poor because the vast majority of UW students have done so much better in HS and the pace is likely to be too much for those students. Then for the rest there are simply too many students wanting to go to UW to take them all. There will be many for whom the decision seems arbitrary- too close to predict.

All most students can do is apply, forget about it and get on with their final year of HS. And have other choices.