Chance me OOS

Intended Major: Engineering
state: IL
UW GPA. 3.9
W GPA 4.61
ACT 32 (30 writing, 36 Math)
AP: 6 so far, taking 3 more this year
Human geo: 5, Ap physics 1:5, APUSH: 5 AP BIO: 5 Calc BC: 5 Spanish 5: 4
currently taking physics c, macro, and government
other notable classes this year is honors engineering, Calc 3, and linear algebra
EC: Golf all 4 years, intramural basketball

You’ll get in and if you don’t there’s no hope for the rest of us.

@Scottyj59 you have great stats. Are you planning to apply directly to an engineering major? What % of prospective freshmen tend to be admitted directly? I see that the COE website focuses on direct admit but I thought that most transferred from another college once they matriculated.

@JBStillFlying I applied directly to engineering, but I don’t know the stats on being directly admitted

keep us posted - similar stats for S2 with higher GPA 4.3 hoping for Engineering.

@Seacoast UW only considers unweighted GPA.