Admissions Decisions Today!

<p>Congratulations to all. If you haven’t visited yet, you must. It is gorgeous.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all! The campus is BEAUTIFUL, one of the best I’ve seen. I am very excited to see how financial aid goes! Did anyone else apply Portfolio Path?</p>


<p>This is a late response but my friend’s acceptance email was eaten by either (a) her spam filter or (b) her cat or (c) the Master Control Program. She found out when she got the admission packet.</p>

<p>Got my acceptance packet today (live in Seattle).</p>

<p>It was probably one of the nicest/fullest acceptance packets I’ve received…but it was a bit disappointing. My financial aid statement was pretty horrible for my situation. Total aid: $29k a year. No scholarships whatsover. Entirely made of grants and loans.</p>

<p>I guess the package is pretty good in the big scheme of things, but considering my packages at other schools (50k at Puget Sound, 47k at Willamette, 45k at Hobart and William Smith), this one was a bit of a disappointment.</p>

<p>Guess I won’t be going to L&C! Oh well. Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>Ditto what mjh2010 has said^ Except my package was only ~15k including L&C Grant, 2 loans and the federal student work program :frowning: Unless I win some private scholarship by miracle, it seems I won’t be able to go to L&C.</p>

<p>I hope other accepted people get to go! It’s such a beautiful, awesome school :)</p>

<p>Same. L&C 15,000+ worse on money than comparable schools (Puget Sound, Earlham) son has heard from. Makes what would have been a tough decision easy.</p>

<p>S2 got accepted EA with no money, so we sort of crossed it off our list. But then, he applied for and received a Forensics scholarship. That helps, and now L&C is near the top. We’ll be attending accepted students day in two weeks.</p>