I'm In!

<p>I got the email this morning - unexpectedly! I thought they wouldn't be releasing ea admits for a few more weeks.</p>

<p>Same. :) It's great that they let us know by email though before having the snail mail trickle in. I also had no idea when they would let EA applicants know. (Congrats on getting in, by the way!)</p>

<p>Are you thinking of doing that three day College Preview day?</p>

<p>i got in too!!! yay!</p>

<p>I think I'm afraid to know the truth but....
I applied EA and am wondering if anyone knows if L&C notified all of the acceptances today, or if there will be another batch of EA admissions later?</p>

<p>hey i got in today too
ishba, im pretty sure there's another batch of EA coming on the set notification date (jan 15th?)
apparently it's becoming more and more popular for colleges to send out an early batch of acceptances...im not sure why they do this..but don't worry, it doesn't mean you didn't get in</p>

<p>Yay, I got in too! I was very pleasantly surprised with the email yesterday morning :)</p>

<p>My D got an unexpected acceptance email, too! It was a very nice surprise and weeks earlier then expected. They did say they notify everyone by Jan. 15th, so I suspect there are more acceptances on the way. </p>

<p>I think the Feb. visiting would be good- right in the middle of all their rain! Also, then she will have visited a second time. In April she would be free to check other schools.</p>

<p>Recently accepted students made a Facebook group here: Facebook</a> | Login</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>Has anyone else been recently admitted?</p>

<p>is anyone going to the College Preview in Feb?</p>

<p>My daughter is not going to the preview day because she has already visited the campus and sat in on a class, etc. (she loved it). She is planning on going later on in April, though, when she makes her final college choice. Lewis and Clark is a definite contender for her. I hope you go and visit. It truly is a gorgeous campus.</p>