admissions officer phone call

<p>I am sure this is nothing, but I got a phone call from an admissions officer, and she was questioning me about my application, like what classes I am taking this year etc. I was already accepted on Wednesday, Dec. 3. I am just curious if anyone else got this phone call. I still have not recieved my admissions letter. Thanks for putting my paranoia at rest.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I cannot reassure you with this information being known. FSU dynamically evaluates their application database in near-real time. They will cut off the list whenever they reach their goals. For whatever reason they are carefully reviewing your status compared to others in the applicant pool. I’d suggest prompt and thorough compliance with the admissions officer along with showing genuine interest in attending FSU.</p>

<p>I would bet that it’s nothing… I mean, I don’t know for sure. But I don’t think they’d accept you only to reject you in a few days. Maybe they’re considering you for the honors program and it’s just taking exra time? I got accepted on the 3rd for the fall semester, and I haven’t received my official letter yet.</p>