Admissions Revoke?

<p>I know this thread pops up every now and then, but...</p>

<p>My school operates on a trimester system, and in this, my second semester, one of my grades has dipped into the D range. Pulling a C- or C will be virtually impossible at this point. Here are the circumstances: </p>

<p>I am traditionally horrible in this subject (science), so I hope they don't attribute it to pure senioritis. Also, my UW GPA will probably dip to 2.7, but I got into Wisconsin with a cumulative 2.9, so I'm not sure how that will look. </p>

<p>I know UW only revokes 5-15 applicants per year, and I hope that this is just unwarranted stress. But is there anything I should do? Write them a letter (I'm in the midst of a yearlong, 50 page research project which has been eating up loads of time, and I could include that)? Any ideas - or knowledge - would be MUCH appreciated.</p>

<p>you got in with a 2.9? Did you cure lung or breast cancer?</p>

<p>No, but I do go to a very competitive NE prep school and I got 2100 on my SATs. Anyone have anything substantive?</p>

<p>if you dont have a reason id think that you might get revoked... theres a featured thread on this topic... raise it as much as you can, otherwise you might be in some trouble</p>

<p>A failing grade on an important subject will raise serious red flag about your academic ability. So, I strongly recommend that you communicate your current situation to the admission office NOW. If you can retake the class, do it. Alternatively, try to register for a summer class in a local CC prior to your arrival in Madison. Bottom line, adcom won't deny you a second chance if you ask for it before it is too late.</p>

<p>if possible, have you considered taking the class for credit/no credit (or, pass/fail)?</p>

<p>I tried, but it's a yearlong course and my school requires a P/F to be declared in the fall. </p>

<p>Dallas - Thanks for the advice. I'm not going to fail the class, but the letter/offer to take CC course sounds like a good idea.</p>