<p>...and my parents won't let me go unless I get on-campus housing, which is not provided to Winter Quarter admits. So my options are limited: UCIrvine, UCDavis, or appeal and get into UCSD for Fall Quarter...</p>
<p>Anyone else in this situation, or know anything about appealing as a Winter Quarter admit?</p>
<p>From what I hear, appealing won't do jack unless something in your life has significantly changed in that particular time period and should be considered. Even being bumped to fall does not guarantee housing, and it is most certain that you will not get housing fall if we all do get bumped. I'm in the same boat as you guys and it sucks as I really want to go to UCSD but, the whole winter admit thing just makes their admission offer half-baked. The only hope is the winter housing waiting list, but that's scanty at best, it's a gamble guys. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth taking.</p>
<p>Yeah I am a winter admit too andi called to appeal for fall and they said that students admitted for winter cannot appeal for fall. Also the chance we will have to fill fall spots is slim and none, so sorry, but dont get your hopes up. Also, I was wondering did you guys get into your first choice majors or were you put under undecided?</p>
<p>My friend was a winter admit for winter 2007, but he got bumped up to fall 2007 and got housing. </p>
<p>I will say this though. If you're not extremely social or you don't have a good group of friends that are going there, then you will feel left when you get there</p>
<p>I'm an winter admit too, and basically, if there's short even one extra fall space, then NONE of the winter admits get bumped.(i.e. 750 spaces, and 751 winter admits = boo-hoo too bad so sad.)</p>
<p>thats idiotic they should try to move up as many people as possible, so that less have to go through this. i heard housing is cheaper offcampus then at a dorm</p>
<p>hey is anyone looking for housing for the winter. I was a winter admit in '05 and I will be finishing up at the end of Fall quarter next year. I was wondering if any of you guys would want to take over my lease when I leave. Or if anyone is planning to be living in San Diego and wants to live me with me during the Fall, let me know. I figured being a winter admit myself, I can help anyone thats going through the same experiences I went through. You can contact me through email or AIM. </p>
<p>hey i got a question is there absolutely no chance for a winter admit to get housing? im pretty high up on the warren housing waitlist should i start looking at other options or whatnot?</p>
<p>Jawester, how high up are you?
I guess it would depend on how early you signed on to the waitlist. ie. i got 7th on the overall, 1st on the Warren waitlist so… I probably won’t be looking for an apartment anymore.</p>
<p>staneda, i was 3rd on the warren waitlist. iono bout overall. man i stuttered for a bit and that cost me a total of like 10 seconds haha. whats the average per year of people actaully dropping</p>
<p>you guys are lucky.
i set my alarm to 755, i woke up, turned my computer on, and then fell back asleep
i didnt get to submit it until 906 after i got up at 905
why wouldnt they make it at 12 am on monday instead??? i wouldve been up for that.
i feel like i have no chance anymore</p>
<p>To give you guys an idea, today I was offered a room (I was 7th on the overall waitlist and 1st on the Warren waitlist). Thing is, I’m in Warren and the room was in Sixth – I passed up on the room and I’m assuming it was taken by #8.</p>
<p>Of course, if not a single Warren room opens up then I’m screwed, but what are the chances of that? I’m fairly confident I’ll end up with a Warren one. Otherwise, if winter break approaches and they only have a Muir or something then I’d be smart to take that.</p>