Advice about a bad grade, please?

<p>Spicoli, I'm not dissing Shatner, the guy's hilarious. I just don't want people thinking that I'm a trekkie. No offense against trekkies, but I just don't want to people thinking I am one.</p>

<p>Anyway, the math course that I took was MAT 21B Calc, which is integrals and all that.</p>

<p>If I choose to take a harder math, I'm thinking of taking a class from the non-engineering math series. Should I do that? That course is Math 16C. It would still be a course that is more advanced than the 21B course that I got a C+ in, but just a little easier than the 21C course. Any advice is a great help. Thank you all.</p>

<p>um...if u got a C+ in a math course period, i would advise u to stay away from a math course</p>

<p>^If it counts for anything, I didn't really like the teacher.</p>

<p>He was a ***** at giving partial credit.</p>

<p>Is it not, "star trek"?</p>

<p>Oops, sorry, I didn't read up top.</p>

<p>Calculus turns A-students into B/C- students real fast.</p>

<p>From my experience, I've found engineering based calculus to be easier than calc taught by a mathematician. Now, this might be due to the instructors I've had but it's something to consider. </p>

<p>In fact, when I took calc II, the instructor was a mathematician and he made the course extremely difficult. People were crying during the final exam. No one completed it, and it took well over three hours. I'm lucky I survived with a B.</p>

<p>I'd go with engineering based Calc II.</p>

<p>i totally agree, calc does turn A students into B/C</p>

<p>well calc 2 does.</p>

<p>in my JC there is only engineering calc 2 or the general calc </p>

<p>I would say by far, calc 2 was the hARDEST class i have had. </p>

<p>calc 3 is much easier, but like SPICOLI said, it has to do with instructors definatley.</p>