Advice needed for 1 unit classes and private loans

Hi, I’m an incoming freshman for UCI, and I’ve gotten 11 units (Chem 1A, Chem M2LA, and Math 2A), I’m short of 1 in order to reach full-time student status. Are there any 1 or 2 unit classes available to take on Tuesday/Thursdays that start before 4pm, or between 5pm-6pm? Something that doesn’t require both lecture and discussion (was thinking seminars).

I’m also short on tuition money. My FAFSA offered a good Direct PLUS Loan, but my parents credit is bad so they wouldn’t pass. What should I look for in a private loan from a bank? I know the obvious points like deferred payment until graduation and fixed APR rate, but any suggestions on who to go with?

For one unit, there’s always a PE class.I’d suggest you take something academic though. perhaps a GE course. You want to stay on pace to graduate and give yourself some leeway in case something goes wrong.

I’d suggest you steer clear of private loans altogether. The terms are pretty onerous and the debt will hang with you a LONG time… Not sure how short you are but,if a part time job won’t fill the gap, you really can’t afford the .school. You may want to start at a CC, save some money, then transfer in.

Good luck

Since we don’t even know what your major field is, you can search your course catalog using “freshman seminar” to come up with a variety of 1 unit courses that are designed to give Freshmen an overview of what’s happening in that area.

You’re taking your first quarter way too easily. As a chemistry major (to the others: only chemistry majors take Chem M2LA), you’re going to have way harder classes (as well as research, volunteering, etc.) that will take up more time in the future. Use the extra free time you have now to get some GEs or Physics 2 (needed to take Physics 7C unless you take a placement test) out of the way so you can focus on other stuff later. I’ve met a few fifth year chemistry majors that took their sweet time by not taking enough classes and it’s really not a good position to be in especially if you have financial problems. Certain upper-division classes are only offered once every year so if you fail them you throw off your graduation plans by a year.

I should have clarified, I am a Chemistry major. I haven’t been able to get a job here (and I applied to a LOT), so that’s why. It’s about $8,000 due for the first quarter/semester. Being an out-of-state student (living with parents) is why it’s high, but after my freshman year, I plan on applying for resident status so I would have to pay very little.

Where can I find the GE/PE classes on WebSoc? I’m not successful on that. And aldfig0, why take Physics?

I’m finding 0 people from WebSoc in Physic 7C. Um, is that normal?

Find out what GE classes you need by going on [Student Access](UCInetID Secure Web Login) and clicking on Degreeworks on the left. In the [Schedule of Classes](Schedule of Classes), filter by general education categories (it’s the drop-down box underneath the words “Show course comments” and “Show finals schedule” and pick whatever classes you like).

As a chemistry major, you’re required to take the Physics 7 series. Physics 2 is a prerequisite for Physics 7C. You can only skip this if you pass an AP Physics C exam or take a placement test.

There’s definitely people enrolled in Physics 7C. Maybe you’re looking at the waitlist numbers or something?

No, my bad. Was looking at the TAP instead of the Lec/Dis.

Did NOT know Physics was needed for a Chemistry Major.

Uhh… you’re going to be in for a shock. You need to take Physics 2 (kinematics and math stuff), Physics 7C (mechanics), Physics 7D (electricity and magnetism) and Physics 7E (fluids, waves, optics, etc.). Also, Chem 131A, 131B, and 131C, which you are required to take, are mostly physics: quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics.

I highly recommend that you read through [url=]this[/url] so you know what you’re signing up for.

Are you sure you can get in-state rates at a CA college after a year of college? I’ve read that it’s very tough to do. Maybe check with @auntbea. I think she’s from CA and will know for sure.

Will check for sure. I actually talked to the Registrar themselves during summer, and they said would review my case if I could bring proof of 1 year of residency in CA.

@aldfig0, very useful. thank you.

an offer to review your case in a year is hardly a promise to change your residency status. Few people who begin paying OOS tuition at a UC are able to change to in-state. What are you going to do if it doesn’t work out?

As to the job, keep at it - I am sure there’s a retail shop near campus with a help wanted sign on the door.

I’m thinking those that are unable to change to in-state are because they live on-campus/are international students. I have other plans if it doesn’t work out (re-admit myself to UC campuses?).

I am definitely on the hunt for a job on the campus. Zotlink is very useful for those looking for work.

Living on or off campus is unrelated to whether you are or will become a state resident.