Advice on SATs?

<p>I can't raise my SAT scores and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. </p>

<p>I've taken around 8-10 practice SATs WITH additional tutoring and can't raise my score above a 1900 (usually 600 M, 650 CR and W). This is odd because I'm actually usually a good test taker (good scores on PSAT in tenth, not so much this year, good ERB scores). For the colleges that I want to apply to (NYU, BU, Wesleyan, USC, etc. film schools), I really do need above a 2000, I was reaching for a 2100 when I started out. My GPA isn't that great (3.5 UW, 3.7 W), and I wasn't really "counting" on my SATs per say, but I was sort of leaning on them to get in to these sort of schools. </p>

<p>I'm really stuck on what I should do. I'm going to also try the ACT, but is there any advice for people like me who are stuck in a rut?</p>

<p>Just wanted to add that I have literally not had ANY inflation, my first test was a 1850, and the one I took just last week was an 1880. The highest I’ve come was a 1920.</p>

<p>Did you take the January SAT? If so, did you pay for the Question and Answer service? Receiving a copy of the test along with your answers will provide you with valuable feedback. I recommend that you order copies of old PSATs from the College Board Online Store and use them for additional practice. Then sign up for the May SAT. It is a released test meaning that the Q and A service will include your test and your answers. You need to zero in on your strengths and especially your weaknesses.</p>