Early decision applicants.

<p>Did you guys turn in the application BEFORE November 1st? I turned mine in ON November 1st, because I assumed that it was fine, since apps are due ON November 1st.</p>

<p>I wrote to <a href="mailto:riceapps@rice.edu">riceapps@rice.edu</a> and asked about confirmation emails, and they said that they haven't sent out confirmation emails to REGULAR decision applicants, yet...</p>

<p>...Did I completely screw up?</p>

<p>Call the admissions office. They will ask for your name and state; if you have a file there they can pull it up in seconds on their computer.
Perhaps they put you in RD. Did you turn in a common app early decision agreement?</p>

<p>Yes, I indicated that I am an early decision applicant. The Common App says that Rice’s ED due date is 11/01/08, which means I COULD turn in the application on that day…
And thanks! I’ll try calling them tomorrow. I called a couple of days ago, but the line was constantly busy. =&lt;/p>

<p>There are two phone numbers. I found the one you are talking about to be busy all the time, so i called the other one.<br>
Here are both
Good luck, and don’t sweat it if you didn’t make it ED. You just have to wait longer :)</p>


<p>I’d rather apply under the early decision plan, though, 'cause I think I have a better chance of getting in, to be quite honest. Weird logic, but yeah.</p>

<p>I’m taking a college day on Friday and going down to see Rice personally, so we’ll see what happens. Haha. Gotta take the initiative.</p>

<p>For what it’s worth…
Many schools like Johns Hopkins state no bias towards ED or RD applicants. As for Rice i asked my interviewer this question! Her response was that it certainly shows high interest, but probably doesn’t score you a lot of points with admissions beyond that. Of course no one knows what’s really going on back there. My feeling is that if they have student A and student B with same stats, but A is ED’d into Rice then it would probably help…</p>

<p>Yeah, in those terms, that student would have the upper hand. I need as many advantages as possible, 'cause Rice is my top priority :)</p>

<p>On top of that, the anxiety over the wait is KILLING me.</p>

<p>Same situation
im so worried</p>

<p>ED admission rate is around 30%, RD is around 24% (I believe these stats are fairly accurate for last year, if you google them for past years you might find something like 33% vs. 25% I believe)</p>

<p>So there is a slight statistical bias towards ED students, since they’ve shown interest. Another explanation is that ED applicants are stronger. Either way, if you know Rice is right for you, I encourage you to do ED.</p>

<p>actually, it’s 30 percent ed versus 18 percent rd.</p>

<p>Applying ed improves your chances tremendously, even rice admin ppl told me.</p>

<p>Beef is corrent…
Relatively ED has a small applicant size than RD so thats why ED percentages tend to be higher…</p>

<p>ED= 30%
RD= ~26%</p>

<p>[Rice</a> University | Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Admission_Statistics.asp?SnID=1674795075]Rice”>http://www.futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Admission_Statistics.asp?SnID=1674795075)</p>

<p>no it’s 30 percent ed and 18 percent regular decision.</p>

<p>applying early improves your chances a lot.</p>


<p>I’ve always had my doubts about whether or not applying ED improves one’s chances. Sure you can just look at the percents and say “Clearly the acceptance rate for ED is higher so you have a better chance at being accepted if you apply ED!” But I think that this approach is overly simplistic and misleading. I’ve heard many ad officers say that they don’t admit anyone in the ED round that wouldn’t have been qualified in the RD round.
I also think that, in general, the students that apply ED are of a higher caliber than many of those that apply RD (Clearly stereotyping and I don’t mean to offend any RD canidates, but, still, I think in general this is true) because to apply ED an applicant must be confident that he doesn’t need senior year grades to have a competitive GPA. Furthermore, to apply ED the student must have a good idea of exactly what he wants to do and where he wants to learn how to do it, something that is characteristic of serious students. Finally, ED applicants have to be on the ball and get all of their application materials into the college a month or two earlier than RD applicants, which isn’t always easy. So, ED round may very well be more competitive (probably at least equally competitive) than the RD round and the higher admit % may just reflect the fact that the ED applicants are better qualified than the RD applicants.</p>

<p>theendusputrid you know those stats are for the class of 2011 and the percentages have changed greatly…right?</p>

<p>I agree with phade. Also in RD you have the less serious candidates that apply at the last minute with clearly no interest shown through their essays and application. I’m sure that lowers the percentage quite a bit. At least where i live a 60 dollar application fee is nothing to my peers.</p>

<p>ED applicants are generally just a better pool of applicants. ED acceptees are tantamount to RD acceptees.</p>

<p>Or so I heard from Rice admissions.</p>

<p>I agree with phade too.</p>

<p>Well, my situation has been taken care of. I emailed Rice, and my application is being reviewed as early decision, so I’m happy/relieved :)</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m aware that the ED applicants are pretty competitive, which is why I’m so nervous about the letter, haha.</p>

<p>Yay, we finally received our logins and pins!</p>

<p>[Amazon.com:</a> The Early Admissions Game: Joining the Elite: Christopher Avery, Andrew Fairbanks, Richard Zeckhauser: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Early-Admissions-Game-Joining-Elite/dp/0674010558]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Early-Admissions-Game-Joining-Elite/dp/0674010558)</p>

<p>read this it will enlighten you.</p>

<p>Look, it’s a simple fact, applying early decision improves your chances a lot.</p>

<p>At my school, Holland Hall, according to Naviance which tracks Rice canddiates from my school for the last 5 years,</p>

<p>the 60 ed and 87 regular decision candidates had similar stats, yet the ed people were in at a 54 percent rate, while the rd people were in at an 19 percent rate. huge coincidence? nope.</p>

<p>And let me tell you, the 20 geniuses at my school with 2300 sat’s are all applying ed and ed to ivies, and most of them won’t get in, and guess what they’re applying to rice regular decision and are goin to make rd decision a whole lot harder.</p>

<p>Demonstrtaed interest is very important to Rice, ed si the best way to show demonstrated interest, and they have the chance to snatch applicants up to improve their class yield, which improves the school’s ranking.</p>

<p>Just read the book [Amazon.com:</a> The Early Admissions Game: Joining the Elite: Christopher Avery, Andrew Fairbanks, Richard Zeckhauser: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Early-Admissions-Game-Joining-Elite/dp/0674010558]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Early-Admissions-Game-Joining-Elite/dp/0674010558) or read summaries of it, it will enlighten you.</p>

<p>in addition, a rice admin officer specifically told me that applying early will give you a statistical advantange.</p>