<p>Hugcheck - so glad you asked because it’s such an unusual story, and if I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. S always had the usual environmental allergies every spring and fall - runny nose, coughing, etc., and they were getting worse every year, so we would get stronger meds. Then his behavior started to get really bad. He was always kind of moody and threw temper tantrums even when he was in elementary school, which is kind of odd for his age. But then when he was 8, everything got so much worse. He would rage for hours and completely destroy the house. It was very, very scary because he had a look in his eyes that I didn’t even recognize. Then hours later, it would be over. He would be fine, but he wouldn’t remember much of the incident.</p>
<p>My mom remembered this diet she had heard about in the 70’s - the Feingold Diet, so we tried it. We were desperate, and we were just about to put him on major drugs - we had nothing to lose. Within 3 or 4 days, his behavior started to improve, and he started sleeping better (he was waking up every night). But he was still spacey at night after dinner, so some members of the Feingold Association suggested we see an Environmental Allergist - I had no idea what that was, but by coincidence, we had one in the area. </p>
<p>He put S on various supplements after running blood tests and started testing his allergies using provocation/neutralization, which is an alternative type of testing. You put a diluted amount of the antigen (allergy) in your arm and see if you’re allergic to it. Sometimes it will even give you the symptoms, so when we did corn, he was jumpy. When we did milk, he was depressed. Wheat made him tired and spacey. And a tree pollen made him so ADD, he was doing laps in the waiting room because he couldn’t sit still. Then we tested mold, and I saw it - that scary anger that made him uncontrollable. The good news is that once you figure out what he’s allergic to, they can find a neutralizing dose (a certain dilution of the allergen) that will turn off the symptoms. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen - sort of like a sci-fi film, but we were in it!!</p>
<p>10 years later, he still takes those allergy drops under his tongue that keep his allergies under control. They are much, much less now - he’s been desensitized, but some allergies will probably never go away. He is completely stable emotionally, and what I thought was a moody kid, wasn’t. He’s actually a sweet kid with an amazing intellect. And even now, when he goes too long without taking his drops (he forgets most days, and he’s fine), there are times when I see his mood change, and he gets a little snippy or depressed. Once he takes his drops, he starts to feel better.</p>
<p>We also used homeopathy, which also worked wonders, and NAET, which is more like acupuncture without the needles for allergies. And now we use EFT (emotional freedom technique) as well. I never used to believe in alternative medicine, but it saved my son’s life when not one doctor (and we went to a lot) knew what was truly wrong with him. And I can honestly tell you that it really does work. My S would be on psychiatric meds right now for something he doesn’t have if it didn’t. I am so thankful that my mom remembered that diet!!</p>