Advising Appointment

<p>My D is majoring in English. She is a 2nd year student with 75 credits. She is having a difficult time getting an advising appointment. Last year she had an appointment with a College of A & S advisor. She got that scheduled without any problem. This year she is suppose to meet with an advisor in her major. She has called, emailed, and stopped in the English department twice. Each time she is told an email will come out shortly and then she will be able to sign up for an appointment. She schedules on October 23rd, so hopefully she will be able to get an appointment quickly once the email comes out. </p>

<p>Is anyone else’s student having trouble getting an advising appointment? D really needs to speak with an advisor since she is hoping to get into University Scholars so she can start her masters. Plus she just needs some advice since she is almost finished with her minor and 2nd major.</p>

<p>My D did some major/minor shifting and changing. She has picked up Journalism as a second major. She is starting from scratch with it this semester. She was told she couldn’t sign up for an advising session until after Oct 1, which I also thought was rather close to actual registration. I don’t know if she has signed up yet or not. </p>

<p>D has an opportunity for an internship this summer in Journalism but needs JN311 first. She technically can’t take JN311 this spring because she doesn’t have the pre-reqs yet, so this advising appointment is important. We are hoping for an override.</p>

<p>We are in the same boat over in the business school and I am quite frustrated. DS has been “diverted” to the group honors advising - not a bad thing in itself - but he changed his major last semester and can’t get an appointment with someone who can guide him in his new major. With 60+ hours, this is a problem. For the time being, he is his own advisor and he has no idea how to break through this problem. Why is this happening and what can we do to change it?</p>

<p>My D is in the business school. She had her advising appointment a couple weeks ago. While I’m sometimes less than impressed with the actual advice given, any problems she’s had getting an appointment have been due solely to her own procrastination in making one. It sounds like different departments do things differently, though.</p>

<p>SECfam, last year when my D could only get a group appointment because she waited so long to sign up, she e-mailed the head of her department and he set up an appointment and advised her himself. She has found the professors in the business school to be very accommodating that way.</p>

<p>There will be advising, I would wait for the email and then sign up as directed. I haven’t heard of any student not being advised, after all, the student needs to be advised in order to have the registration hold lifted. There is still plenty of time.
However, your student should be looking at the list of classes available and review the department’s major requirements so she/ he will have a preliminary schedule put together. I would also be prepared with a list of some alternate classes in case a class is filled. it is really just like getting ready for Bama Bound. The better prepared the student, the better the advising session will go. This has been my student’s experience.</p>

<p>Kudos to Dave Heggem at Culverhouse. He very quickly replied to DH’s email about this, clarifying that the honors advising that DS has been diverted to is business specific. He further stated that he has served as one of the advisors for these sessions and that DS should contact him if necessary. </p>

<p>DS is generally a procrastinator, but I don’t feel that’s the issue here. It seems to me that it’s a lack of knowledge of how to navigate the system.</p>

<p>When is Culverhouse group honors advising? S has 90 credits is switching majors into Culverhouse & I think he has to formally apply. I’m sure he will have an issue with reg & holds as biz was his minor & they won’t let him sign up for 4 300 level classes without being accepted into Culverhouse I think. He spoke to a Culverhouse advisor prior to this semester to make sure he was on track with the classes he switched.</p>

<p>SECfam, I’m glad you’re on the path to resolution. I hope you did not think I was implying that your son procrastinated (it’s still way too early for a procrastinator to be thinking about advising!) - if it appeared that way I apologize. I was just letting you know that reaching out to the business school profs works. I’m pretty sure Dr. Heggem advised my D this year at one of those honors/business sessions. That’s the only way she got done so early!!</p>

<p>Never mind…</p>


<p>No worries, beth’s mom. My son IS a procrastinator, but this time I think the problem is a lack of direction. When he was an MIS major, he had a specific advisor - one person, no problem getting an appointment. Now that he is a MKT major, he’s been told to “see any advisor at 10 Bidgood” but no one can meet with him before his registration date. It’s not that he waited to seek an advising appointment, it’s that I waited to complain about it! This is his 3rd semester, he has more than half the credits he needs for graduation, and thus far he has not had a consultation with anyone who can tell him whether this major is going to help him reach his goals or whether there’s a better way to go about it. Am I expecting too much? </p>

<p>Idinct, below is a paragraph from a post by jrcsmom in another thread about advising. When I read it, I didn’t understand that the advisors are business school advisors, but apparently they are.</p>

<p>The Culverhouse College of Commerce and the Honors College will be hosting group signature sessions in 176 Nott Hall from 11:00am - 2:00pm on Monday September 9th, Thursday September 12th, Tuesday October 8th, and Wednesday October 16th. Culverhouse Honors students will be able to come and go and have their Spring 2014 schedules signed off by advisors. Students with senior standing are strongly encouraged to schedule individual appointment times with advisors rather than attend one of these group signature sessions.</p>

<p>D has still not heard from her advisor. She visited the English Department offices twice and was told both times to wait until her advisor emails her. D isn’t too concerned, but I am since she schedules in 2 weeks and really needs information about University Scholars as well to help her figure out a spring schedule. Has anyone else still not been able to schedule an advising appointment?</p>

<p>^^^is she sure she didn’t miss the email? She should check her spam folder or check her trash folder, i’ve known kids to dump mail before ever reading the contents.</p>

<p>She is positive she didn’t miss an email, and also checked her spam folder.</p>

<p>Does she know the name of the advisor? IF so, can she directly email that person and ask? And ask about university Scholars?</p>

<p>No, she did not have an English advisor her 1st year. She is waiting to be assigned one. She checked with 3 different people in the english department and all have told her to wait for an email.</p>